Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Today was the second day of teaching... its going alright, a little crazy still but alright. They are starting to realize I'm a little bit more strict than the old english teacher, so things should get under control in the next couple days. Ok, I've got a birthday party to run too, I'll post about that later.

Here is a video tour of where we are living. Cinder blocks and concrete floors is about it. I'm not complaining though because most people around here have dirt floors and thatch roofs, if they have a roof. I'll add some more video tours in the future.


Anonymous said...

quite the tour guide you are...thx for all those details:)

You should do one of the school, etc...

Good to talk to you tonight!


Anonymous said...

What a hoot! Megan so needs a mission trip. Sure isn't mama and papa's digs.

Enjoying your posts and videos!


Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin,
I celebrated your mom's b-day with Shannon and Lorinda today at Chili's. We were going to have a swim day at the pool but the weather did cooperate with us.
I got to catch up on all your happenings there. Wow it sounds like God continues to give you more and more opportunities to serve Him. You asked us to pray for patience as you teach English full time-well I think God has heard your prayer for patience. Thax for all your updates and know we are thinking of you. Debbie

Anonymous said...


thanks for the video. I was just glad to see your face and hear your voice. I just wanted to reach through and give you a kiss and a hug. thanks for identyfing the toilet etc..:0) can't wait for a video of the school etc. Really your quarters look good, a little messy but comfortable. love mom.

Anonymous said...

hey Kevin thanks for the video! I had seen pics but it was nice to have a guided tour. Teaching can be frustrating sometimes. I taught my kids how to sing the days of the week in spanish. Kids like music so you might try singing some songs to help teach english. Matthew might be able to play the guitar while you sing. Might work or just might be a fun thing to try. Sherri