I hate to say it, but I’ve seen this coming for a long time, and I’m pretty sure Avis has as well. When I came here in June she had told me that her main sponsor who gave her $5000 a month had quit paying because his business had started having some trouble. It’s been about 4 months now since he’s given anything and Avis has pretty much milked all her accounts dry trying to keep up with food bills and salaries for the 20 some Peruvians she has working. The school makes enough to just pay the salaries of the teachers but not enough to pay for books, food and all the other miscellaneous. After all, it is just the first year they have been going, and things always take time before they start to turn a profit. From a business point of view it’s a pretty big nightmare, because if she has to shut the school down half way through the year then the parents aren’t going to want to come back next year. The whole idea of a private Christian school is brilliant, it’s a way to let the orphans get a good quality education that they wouldn’t receive elsewhere, a way to spread the word of God to other kids in the city, and a way to generate revenue for the ministry so it can continue to grow. I think in a couple years the school will be able to do just that, but right now it could use a big financial push.
Basically what I’m trying to say is that if you can give a donation to someone I know a good place. There are many ways that you can help, such as sponsoring an orphan. The orphans get to go to the school, but no one pays for them to go so that’s probably the biggest reason the school is having a little trouble right now. Eventually Avis wants to send kids to school from around the community that are sponsored by people in the states. Most of the information you could ever need is on the website (www.goye-ministries.com) a good page to look at is called “Kingdom Investors” . If you want any additional information you can always e-mail me at kpg8xd@missouri.edu or Avis at goyemin@yahoo.com . If you can’t give a donation, you can pray, and Go Ye ministries just like any other ministry could always use prayer.
Next post I plan on having some video footage of the school, so stay tuned.
Kev, that really brought tears because it made me think of the kids at Hogar who were eating a half cup of rice because they were out of food.
make sure you take alot of pictures because you never know who you can meet and show those to to spread the word about her ministry. love mom
I'll be praying for the ministry. I know that when something is God's plan, there is no way it will fail. I am so glad that you are down there and spreading light to these people. I'm proud of you and praying for you every day. You're such a cool dude.
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