Monday, June 30, 2008

Picture update

Here's a photo update for you all. The giant bird statue is at a graveyard. The boat picture is at the beach near there pier. The other picture is of freds GMC, don't ask me how old that is. And the picture is me tickling nelson.


Anonymous said...

kev, great pictures. my fav is of you tickling Nelson. I bet uncle Nelson didn't think there would be a kid in peru with his name. dad thinks the truck is from the 50's

have a great week teaching. i think you put the healthy fear in them! love mom

Anonymous said...

Hey Kev, How is teaching going? I love the pictures with the kids! Have you tried making any more food?
What's the story about putting a healthy fear into the kids?

Bella says hi! I'll send a picture of her soon.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kev,
Even though we've been emailing, I thought I would leave a comment too so you know that I'm still checking in on you! Glad you enjoyed the Peanut Butter for your birthday, I can't believe you're going to be 22! As for the salsa, for sure add peppers,lime juice, garlic, maybe some cilantro! I'll make up a fresh batch for you when you come home with Lea's homegrown peppers :).
I loved the pics too...tickling is one of my favorite hobbies! I'll send you some belly pics of your future niece/nephew. I'm sure that you will do awesome teaching those kiddos english, what's growth without a challenge here and there? Life is no fun without stretching! :)Love you lots and Lea and I are praying for patience and creativity in teaching.

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.