Saturday, July 12, 2008

Orphanage Tour

Here is a tour of the orphanage. It's pretty quick, but thats because I don't have a high quality video camera with me, and it would take about 10 hours to upload it to the website if it were longer. I hope you like it. Another prayer request for Gerson. He went to the doctor last week who told him that he had asthma, but for the past week he has been having really terrible coughing fits where he coughs and throws up at the same time, it usually happens about an hour or so after he eats, and he says his stomach is never upset. I've witnessed it several times and it doesn't seem like asthma to me. It happend again today while he was in my house and I went and got Avis so she could see it. She agreed that we need to take him to another doctor and get a second opionion.


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the tour! I loved it. And I love the music you played along with it! Catching a mere glimpse of the kids and knowing how much they love you brings tears to my eyes.
Like you and your mom, I spent my last birthday in Jamaica on a mission. Although I wasn't with Larry and the boys, it felt like I was exactly where I was supposed to be. Also, one of the very best.
Thanks for all you're doing!
God has to have a huge smile on face when He sees you "giving your self away" for HIM!!

Anonymous said...


that was awesome! glad you talked to avis about g. more later bella's on my lap squirming around.
love mom

Anonymous said...


I've been following your blogs and enjoying this trip with you! Thank brings back memories of our trips. You'll leave a part of your heart there when you leave, but I suppose you already know that. Uncle Roy read all this for the 1st time tonight. He said to tell you this will be one of the most rewarding experiences you will ever have. We're very excited for you and it is truly wonderful when God answers our prayers so quickly in such obvious ways as He did with your sickness...HE'S SO GOOD! Take care and love those children well while you can...they won't forget the love you show them. God bless you all.

Uncle Roy and Aunt Judy

Anonymous said...

Nice tour and Happy belated birthday! Not sure what I think about the song choice:) I consider that a romantic song...but I am just glad you are listening to know they are one of my favorites.

Anonymous said...

last one was from Jimmy A

Kevin Guier said...

Ya, I don't really have a huge song selection on my computer with me, and I just really liked that tune haha. And I think it's a little more appropriate than Rage against the Machine.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tour. What a gift you are giving everyday-yourself. Keep loving them for us all.


Anonymous said...

Hey KG! Fox News should hire you as one their reporters on assisgnment! I enjoyed the video and the U2 song. Bono would definitely applaud your work and ministry their in Peru. But more importantly, I believe God has a smile on His face when He thinks of you! Keep imitating Christ to those kids!

Isaiah 40:31

Jana said...


I would have enjoyed the Rage Against the Machine...but that's just me. Not quite sure it would have been a good narrative, though! Haha. Happy late birthday. I am glad you are having such a wonderful time. I can't wait for you to get back so I can hear some stories. Oh yeah---have you eaten any fried guinea pig yet? I guess they didn't have that this year at your mom's birthday party....that's too bad...


Anonymous said...

Kevin -

Thanks for continuing to share your journey with us. I know your Mom, Dad and family have to be incredibly proud of you. You have stepped out in faith and answered a call that God has placed on your heart. There's nothing more satisfying to your soul than to be exactly where God wants you to be. Your passion and love for the children is obvious. Thanks for the orphanage tour video. Very cool to see pictures of the physical location where you spend much of your time.

We will continue to pray for you. Looking forward to reading future updates and looking forward to hearing your stories first-hand. Thanks for answering the call and going where God leads.

Love you brother -

Cordell (for the Kirk Family)

Pat and Lee Anne said...

Great video tour Kevin! And happy birthday! Tell Matt hey for me...Pat