Monday, July 7, 2008

God the Provider

So like I said in the earlier post I was feeling sick the last couple days. Last night I woke up sweating and not feeling good at all, so I just started praying and said God, I don’t really know what to do here, but I know that you can heal me. The day before I had told the boys that I would come get them and come back to my house and eat some PB and J sandwiches… so I was on my way over there when I heard the loud music blasting out of the community center next door. I asked Carlos what was going on, and he said that they were giving away free medicine today. There were doctors and everything providing free health care and medicine compliments of the Pacasmayo Concrete plant. Talk about awesome corporate responsibility. I’m positive there was at least $50,000 of medicine there. They set up shop in the poorest part of Pacasmayo which happens to be right where I’m living, and their doors are open to anyone who walks in, absolutely no cost. I weighed in, answered some questions about myself, then waited in line to be seen by the doctor. While I was waiting in line the lady that was on the microphone yelling out peoples names and telling everyone what was going on asked me to tell everyone what was going on in English. I said why not so I got on the loudspeaker and told everyone that thanks to the Pacasmayo concrete plant there was free medicine to everyone today… it was just for the novelty of it because no one within a mile radius would have been able to understand English. Anyway it was my turn and I sat down and the doctor asked me what was going on, so I told him, and he listened to me breath with his stethoscope then looked down my throat and wrote down the prescription and I walked over to the prescription table and picked up my antibiotics. As I was walking out, Isabel a lady who works at the school and was helping me through the process told me that one of the nurses said she wanted to go back the U.S. with me and when I looked over at her she gave me a little wink and a smile…haha.

I’ve had 10 doses so far and I’ve started to feel better already, at the rate that he told me to take the medicine I should be done with all of it by Tuesday night. Just to be cautious I looked up the medication online and made sure that I wouldn’t have any problems taking it. I also looked up the price and I think its about $100 worth…Hallelujah


Anonymous said...

kev, i'm glad to hear your feelin better. Is this the same medicine your were talking about on your earlier blog? I was just a little confused. I also wanted to tell you that I was thinking about your earlier blog and the fact that I had been thinking about your health and praying for you to stay healthy. I just didn't think of that when I left that quick comment last night. I always try to respond to the promptins of the HS and I'm sure that was one. Do like Jodi said and take all the medication. Were you able to have the boys ove for PB and J?
love mom

Kevin Guier said...

Ya, I still had the boys over for PB&J, after I made all the sandwhiches there was just a little PB left in the jar, I gave it to them and after about 5 mins the jar looked like it had gone through a dishwasher.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


It is great reading your blog and seeing what all God is doing in and through you. Valerie and I were talking the other night about how proud we are of you, how much of a blessing you are in our life, and how excited we are to see where you go from here. I think you have so much opportunity available. Keep listening and being patient. I know God is up to something.

We can't wait to see you when we get back and hear the rest of the story.


Jennifer Sachse said...

Kev, we have been ;thinking about you. I lost your blog address thing, but just found it back today! Robert and Michael like your video and wanted to know why you thought you would get shocked in the shower! good decison to shower elsewhere!!!Glad you are feeling better. I am very proud of you and the work you are doing and hope my boys will have opportunities to help others. adios for now.
love, Aunt Jenni

Anonymous said...

I had a 5 day weekend and hadn't read your blog, so I had a lot of catchin up to do. I am so sorry you've been sick. Out of the country and away from mom, but God does provide. That should be a reminder to me with my kids. HA! Adults, not kids anymore.

We love reading about your adventures and how God is using you! Hope you are feeling your self and enjoying the rice.

God Bless! Cindi

Anonymous said...

HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY, KEV! I can't believe you already finished the Peanut Butter! I thought it would last you the rest of the summer!

Anonymous said...

God is a great provider! I hope you are feeling better by now. I don't know how you are doing it....eating all the chicken and rice. We all talk about it as a big joke and we where only there a week :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Kevin! I hope you had a great day! I finally got to read your blog. It looks like you are having a great time. I've been praying for you and thinking about you. You are so amazing with kids and I sure the kids there LOVE you. Have a great Birthday!
Love, your cousin Rachael

Anonymous said...

Hey Kev, I wanted to wish you a happy birthday yesterday but my email service has been down. I hope you had a great day yesterday!

We are so proud of you!

Vanessa, Brandon, and Bella

Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin!

Happy belated Birthday! We just got back in town. It was great to catch-up on your blog.

Hope you are feeling better- take care of yourself and continue to keep us updated. We so enjoy hearing all of your stories. Your obedience is refreshing!

You are in our prayers....

Cordell, Shannon & Mak