Thursday, July 3, 2008


First of all I just wanted to say thanks to all the people back home. I received some more cards today one from the Skeen family, Rothaus family, Kirk family, Joey and a couple cards from my family. Also thanks to all the people who read this blog and all the people who leave comments. It really encourages me to know that people back home care about what I’m doing, or a better way to put it… what God is doing through me.

We went to another church in Pacasmayo last night that we were invited too because an American missionary was preaching there. He had a really awesome message using a story I had never heard before that is found in Genesis 26. It talks about how God had blessed Isaac and made him rich, so the Philistines decided to clog up all his wells, and then told him to leave. Isaac moved and re-dug all the wells. Then sometime later the Philistines came back to him and wanted to make an agreement to join forces because they had seen God was with him. The preacher then made the metaphor that wells are constant water supply or living water, just like the holy spirit in us is a spring of living water and that sometimes we get our “well” clogged up by others, or even ourselves, and that when we unclog the Holy spirit within us people will see that God is with us… ok I’m realizing it loses a little bit when I try to type it out in my own words, but you get the drift. It was a really awesome sermon and something that I needed to hear. Anyway after the sermon he came up to me and told me that I looked really familiar to him, and asked if I had been to Peru before, I said I had. Then he realized where he’s saw me, my blog. Funny how things work out. Anyway we talked for a little bit and he told me about the ministry he is apart of, they are all over the world, then he asked me if I’d ever want to join him…who knows maybe another adventure is right around the corner, haha.

I have a lot of information I want to share with everyone (not related to the pastor that goes all over the world, don’t worry mom), but it is too soon to share.


Anonymous said...

great blog kev, but what did you mean don't worry mom ? you'd be surprised i think, how many people have told me they do read your blog but are a little shy to respond since everyone reads the comments. love mom

Anonymous said...

Hey KG! I enjoyed the video journey of your living space. It reminded me of a college dorm room! Ha! Also, I personally enjoyed your comments on the Genesis 26 sermon you heard. There is a lot of good application to use. Back here, Josy is pumped about shooting fireworks because she is old enough to light some of the smaller ones. Ha!My prayer is that you will continue to experience joy in your obedience to Christ!

Isaiah 40:31

Anonymous said...

You are right on Kevin...that message from Genesis 26 is a great reminder. God is able to use us only because He is the source and the Holy Spirit works in powerful ways. How is your Spanish coming?
I hope you continue to see God's purpose and activity around you!

Anonymous said...

Kevin- Hey! I wanted to let you know that I am thinking about and praying for you often. Great to read your blogs. Be encouraged and I want to get together when you return to hear about what God is doing in your life. Blessings bro!!
Jeff Hart

Anonymous said...

ps. i went back and read gen. 26. that WAS a really good reminder that people will see that God is with us when we allow the HS to be free at work in us. continue to be unplugged. back to m

Anonymous said...

Hey Kev!

It is so awesome to read your updates and hear, firsthand, what God is doing through you. I hope your classes are going well and that you have NOT killed anyone yet!

Have a great birthday and keep us all posted. We are continuing to pray that God will bless you with new experiences each and every day.

Love ya-

The Kirks

Armstrong's said...

Hola Kevin-
We love reading your blog. You tell stories well and it is so fun and encouraging to hear all that you are doing and learning. How's the espanol? :) Have a great 4th of July and weekend!
Emily (and Jimmy- he's here visiting me and Samuel!)