Today was a good day. I taught P.E. in the morning, and English in the afternoon. At lunch time I had forgotten that it was my birthday, but I was quickly reminded when I walked into the lunch room and all the kids stood up and sang happy birthday. After school I knew the kids were throwing a surprise party for me, so I waited awhile until I headed over there so they could get organized. When I went over there at 4:15 and knocked on the door the house mom said that I couldn’t come in for another 10 minutes. I guess I should’ve waited longer. I was sitting downstairs working on the computer and the house mom told me that I was allowed to come into the house now, so I walked upstairs and when I went inside all the kids were sitting in a big square in the main room. On the count of three they all said “SORPRESA!” haha… I think I did a great job of acting surprised. The fiesta they threw for me had cookies, cake, purple corn juice and some other stuff I that I hadn’t ever eaten before but was pretty good, and I’m not sure I could describe it if I tried. The kids danced and played games for about an hour then it was time for cake. Gerson couldn’t have any because earlier he started dry heaving and coughing when he was eating sweets. I think it is something to do with the asthma the doctor diagnosed him with. But as they were passing the cake around he looked at me and said, “I want to eat” after he said that, there was no way I could eat cake in front of him so I said, “how come… real men don’t eat cake” then I put my piece they had given me on the counter for someone else to eat. Overall I’d say it was probably one of the best birthday parties I have ever had.
After cake it was time to leave and the regular routine of homework began. I left to go back and eat with the rest of the gringos because Thursday is missionary night, so we all get together and eat American food made by one of us. Avis made some beef patties in this ridiculously good gravy that we ate on top of mashed potatoes. For desert Avis made pineapple upside down cake with some candles in it for my birthday. That was pretty delicious too. It was a great day.
Feliz cumpleanos! (a little late) Sounds like quite a birthday!
Hi, Kev.
It was great talking to you last night on skype, thats great to be able to do that. Sounds like the party was a huge success. It looked like the kids are really attached to you. I noticed your Spanish is really getting good and that you're enjoying it as well. Its raining here today like normal around your birthday.
remember it seems like it always rains on your birthday. Keep up the great work and God Bless You. Enjoy the journey Kevin.
Love, dad
What! one of the best birthday parties ever? What about the cowboy party or the snake party and what about the fried chicken last year? Just kidding. I know exactly what you mean about being one of the best. I've really enjoyed my last 2 in Peru. It's hard to explain but it is just so rewarding spending your birthday serving. I'm sure the kids had a great time "surprising" you.Can't wait for more fun stories. If you hear rumors of eathquakes in Peru you'd better call right away! I'm not sure this old mama could handle another episode like last night! :)
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