Tuesday, July 15, 2008

More thanks, and update.

I just got another group of cards, so I figure I'd let you know that I got them. I got the Valdivias, Stigalls, a couple days ago I recieved one from the Bailes and the McRaes, I also got some more from you mom. I hope I'm not forgetting anyone. Anyway thanks a bunch. It's always nice to get mail down here, and I guess I'll get to thank you guys in person in about 4 weeks. Those first 6 really went by fast.

Update on Gerson.
We went to Trujillo doctor yesterday and they told us he has some virus that is the gate way virus to whooping cough. They gave him some antibiotics(which didn't make since to me if they said it was a virus) and a couple other types of medication. As well as prescribed this protien vitamin mix that he needs to drink for awhile. They also said its contaigous so they put a lot of the other kids in the orphanage on some antibiotics that is suppose to keep it from spreading. All this medicine and protein mix is getting really expensive. The doctor said that him throwing up is nothing to worry about unless it starts to turn bloody, also he could possibly have this cough for 4-6 months.


Jana said...

I'll continue to pray for his speedy recovery! Hope all is well with you.


Anonymous said...

Kevin - I so enjoyed seeing your tour of the orphanage. The kids all seemed pretty young. I know you have been such a big help there! To be going to town and taking them to the doctor is a big responsibility. You are really making a difference in the lives of these children. I'll bet your Spanish is getting really good. What an amazing summer you are having! Take care and keep blogging. I love reading your updates. I will continue to pray for you.

Anonymous said...

kev, it don't think you had mentioned before yesterdaywhen we were talking on skype that goint to Truijollo (sp?) was about 1 1/2 hours away. so it's no easy task to get them to the doctor. we are all praying for his recovery. love mom

Anonymous said...

Hey Kev...
Awesome video...it brought tears to my eyes. You are such an incredible man of God, Kevin!
I just read your birthday blog...how fun is that, those kids are so sweet and even on your b-day you were giving to those kiddos! Way to go for the gut on the "asthma" situation...gerison definitely has something more than asthma. I will pray that God heals him!