Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sunday - Wed.

Sorry I haven’t been updating as much lately. I feel that there’s a lot of routine now with English and all, so I’ll try and just hit the highlights of the past couple of days.

Last Sunday was the day that relatives come and visit the kids. It turned out pretty well. The aunt of Gerson, Johnson, Joel, Betsy and Sibilia came and they were extremely excited that she came. She comes about once every other month. It put Gerson in the best mood he’d been in for a couple weeks, but the older brother Johnson was pretty nonchalant about it. It was an answered prayer that Nelson’s father didn’t come to visit him, because now we think that he can be declared abandoned and be easier to adopt. His father hasn’t visited in over 6 months now, and the last time he visited Nelson was terrified and was crying in horror the whole time his father was there because he still remembered the abuse.

Tuesday night will be remembered as the great rat war. Avis was telling me about some car problems after dinner and I went out to go check the air filter in the car(which was completely caked thanks to all the dirt here) and that’s when I found the real problem…rats, Peruvian rats. There were two of them the size kittens with tails about as thick as my pinky finger. They were making a home out of the van. I went back and told Avis and she gave Matt and me some huge knives. We propped the hood open and started the hunt. I found one and made a quick jab at it, but all I came up with was some hair. We then decided to just put rat poison all over the van. The dog Sparky got a hold of one of the rat’s tails and ripped it in half which sent the mouse into a shrieking frenzy, then I went to bed.

Wednesday was another doctor day. I went to Trujillo again with 6 kids 2 house moms, Randy and Vanessa. After the nearly 2 hour ride there we waited outside on rickety wood benches for another 4 hours to see the doctor. The doctor finally prescribed some inhalers and I think the kids are already feeling better. After the doctors visit it was about 2 and we finally got some food. All the kids were starving because the moms made them fast just incase the doctors needed to take blood. After we ate we went to another hospital to visit one of Randy and Vanessa’s friends so I waited in the car with one of the house mothers and all the kids while they went inside. I fell asleep in the front seat because it had a recliner on it, and I was sharing it with Gerson who also fell asleep. I woke up and then out of no where Gerson woke up and started throwing up, good thing I’ve got the fastest puke reaction time south of the equator because I was able to grab a trash bag that was behind us open it up and put it under Gerson’s mouth in about .05 seconds. Thanks to the fast reaction time only my Jeans and his shirt got covered in vomit. We didn’t get back home till about 5:30, it was a pretty long day.


Anonymous said...

Rat hunting, huh? Sounds like a non-glamorous yet adventurous endeavor! I bet it's nice to get into a rhythm of life there. Know that God's activity is in the routines of daily life as well. It is encouraging to read about the ways you are being present with the people of Pacasmayo and the kids at the orphanage. I think being the presence of Christ for others is what He has called us to do in its most simplest form.

Happy rat hunting!

Anonymous said...

kev, nothing sounded routine about that update! I just know you and matt thoroughly enjoyed the rat hunt and I'm sure you never in a moment thought that would be part of your summer serving God. And getting thrown up on.. well that isn't so surprising when working with kids but I do think that was a first for you. everyday a new adventure for Jesus.ENJOY! love mom

Anonymous said...

What in the world!!!!!!!!!!I am pretty sure that God would NOT ask me to have anything to do with being within a 1 mile radius of a RAT!! .....especially when He's got guys like you that will do it WILLINGLY! That was a very terrifying story!
I absolutely love to hear the stories of you and the kids and how God is using you to be a huge impact in their lives. I know that they will be so very sad for you to leave, when that time comes.
Thanks for all you are doing!
We are proud to call you our friend!
Laci and Larry

Anonymous said...

Kev.... that's absolutely disgusting! haha I can't believe you guys were going after them with practically your bare hands! What made Gerson throw up? That's also pretty disgusting, lol. I'm enjoying your adventures!

The Bailes said...

Grossness and a half...glad you enjoyed the rat hunting...or that you took care of them for Avis, very sweet of you! ;)
I wonder if that is good to eat, I mean is there much difference between a rat and guinea pig? Hmm.
Continue to seize each day, as your time is coming to a close. We love you and miss you!