Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Whooping Cough

I'm about 95% sure Gerson has the whooping cough and that's it is already making its way around the orphanage, so I'll probably contract it too. I've done my research on it and its much less severe the older you get, so I'm not too worried about myself. I found this out because the hospital we took Gerson to on monday called and told the house mother to take him out of school until he finishes his anti-biotics. That and all his symptoms match up perfectly. If you'd like to read more about this illness I found some good information here. Whooping Cough

As of right now I'm feeling fine, a little bit of a sore throat, but thats been usual for most of the time I've been here because I'm constantly getting different bugs from the kids. I'm sure you all are getting tired of hearing about all the sickness stuff going on, sorry.

Last night there was a women's meeting that Avis holds about 2 times a month. There were 45 women who came and she made spagehti and meat sauce for all of them. Us guys served the women the food. About halfway through the preaching portion the lights went out, so we lit a bunch of candels. Some lights were still on and some were off. So I went around and turned everything off in the compound except for the lights in the womens room and then they came back on. They have a problem with weak current, so that temporarly fixed it. Overall it was a good time, the women all ate, and prayed, and ministired to eachother.


Anonymous said...

kev, i guess they don't get ?

Anonymous said...

kev, don't know what happened to the rest of my comment. maybe it was too long. anyway, i was saying i think we're all hooked on gerson's cough now and want to know the progress. Serving the women sounds great. I'll remeber that one! Give Gerson a hug for me and tell him I can't wait to talk to him on Skype again. love mom

auntie carol said...

Kev - i am a little slow in getting around to leaving you a message on your blog. I am very proud of you and the fine young man you have become. Happy Birthday - a little late!! Miss and love you. Auntie Carol

Anonymous said...

Hey Kev, I enjoyed reading and getting caught up with your blog from last week. Wow, it does seem like the first 6 weeks have gone by fast. Just keep making the most out of each day and each relationship you have! I loved the tour and seeing the kids there! They are so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kevin,
We visited with your mother yesterday and she told us how to send you a message. We have enjoyed reading about your experiences there. We can understand how attached you can become to the children. We look forward to visiting with you when you return. Love, Don & Barb