Sunday, July 20, 2008

Update, and News (it's long)

If you get tired of reading at least read the last paragraph.

Today the electrical engineers came to meet with us. The story behind that is Avis needs more power into the compound where the school is so that she can meet the needs of the school plus the 150 more kids she plans on having in the orphanage. She has been trying to get more electricity since she has been here but they had never let her before, but a couple of weeks ago when some technicians came to fix the line they realized that we need more. The truth is they are running the entire school and all the houses on less electricity than one 3 bedroom house gets in the states. So when the technicians said that they would allow her to get more electricity she was ecstatic. The engineer guys came out and met with us today and told us that it was going to cost 10,000 soles to run the wires. That’s about $3800 that she doesn’t have. See, here in Peru you have to pay for everything that has to do with electricity. The power company just sends power through the lines. So if you need lines ran, you have to pay for it. If the line breaks, you have to pay for it etc. From what I gathered she’s taking out the last of her money that she has and using it to start the process. She said that if God has finally given her a window to have electricity she’s going to take it. She has more faith than I do… that is for sure. I don’t know where she plans on getting the money for next month’s bills because her sponsors haven’t been able to help her in a long time because the economy has gone bad, but she said that if God wants this ministry to continue and for these kids to be here that he will provide. She has also had a lot of other bad stuff happen to her this month, like one of her brothers getting diagnosed with massive amounts of cancer, and some other things that don’t need to be posted on the internet. But yet, she has an amazing amount of peace about her that I just can’t comprehend.

As for the rest of the day, I went over the orphanage and hung out with the kids for awhile. Gerson was feeling terrible today, he had a fever and was having some leg cramps as well, I prayed over him for a good while, and then went into town with Avis and matt to get some dinner, I stopped back by the orphanage on my way back to say good night and he was feeling much better.

Here’s the news that I said I had but I couldn’t share yet a couple of weeks ago. This whole time we’ve been down here Matt and I have been working on a new website for her. The address is go there, look around and post some feedback. It’s not completely done yet and there’s definitely some fine tuning to be done, but the basic format is ready to go. I’ve been working with Avis to give her ideas on how to generate more funds, because that is something that she is seriously lacking right now. She doesn’t really have groups come at this point, except one from Canada that comes every march for a week, and that is something that I’ve talked with her a lot about. Also, we’ve tried to set up the website so that people can sponsor kids or make donations which are 100% tax deductable .


Anonymous said...

That is so cool! I am going to go check out the website now!

Anonymous said...

kev that is great news about the electriciy. I'm glad Gerson is feeling better. He sure was acting lively when you called! give them a hug and tell them its from me.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to check out your new website! That will be great for her!

Jana said...

Checking out the site right now! Hope all is well down there and you are enjoying your journey!


Anonymous said...

Whoa...the website you guys made is awesome...did you make that from scratch? Wow! That makes my website and blog look wimpy.
Wish we could have talked longer last night...I hope to set up skype this week on our computer, so I'll let you know when we do.
God definitely answered your prayers yesterday because Ger was full of energy when we saw him last night!

Anonymous said...


The site looks great!


Anonymous said...

Nice work on the will have to teach me. I bet this website will be a great long term asset for the ministry - to tell people what they are doing and also have the ability to donate online...nice work. I found a few minor tweeks if you want to know....

Joey had me speak about you in front of church last Sunday at the end - I had all the ladies screaming your name by the end of it :) HA...

Sorry I missed your call the other day - hopefully I will catch you again soon

God Bless