Here's a tour of the school where I taught english. Yesterday, there was a huge event that our youth pastor had all the youth put together. There was a soccer tournament, a volleyball tournament and a concert put on by a regatone band from Trujillo. Regatone is pretty much like rap, but it all has the same beat, so after about 3 songs you've heard pretty much all of it...haha. It all started at 2 and went till about 10:30 at night. Around 6:00 Matt and I took about 10 kids and some house moms out to eat while the band was getting ready. I bet you can't guess what we ate...chicken and french fries...I know, I know, who would have thought right. So the 12 of us ate for 20 bucks, not too bad huh. Then went and watched the concert. Johnson was ready to go by about the 3rd song and so was I so I walked him back up to the house and matt stayed with the other kids and the house moms.
Tomorrow will be the last day I go to the market, I'm looking for some wood clamps, magic markers and a couple more t-shirts. The wood clamps because I need to fix a dresser drawer, and would you believe it they don't have any clamps to hold it together while the glue dries, I was surprised because they have just about every other tool you could think of in their little shop. I need magic markers because we bought a bunch of cups for the orphanage and need to have the kids personalize them. We did that because we noticed that all the kids share the same cup, and when one kid gets sick, they still share the same cup. But now, they'll all have their own cup, boyah.
kev thanks for the tour. the school was nicer than the school we saw. I was impressed with it. I cannont believe, well I guess I can, that they share the same cup. great idea on them personalizing them. did you tear up the drawer?
love mom
i enjoyed the tour! Was that you in the english classroom? I was a little confused about who made the video. haha Have fun at market! Good luck with the drawer!
Hey Kev...I thought that the guy teaching a kid in the English room looked like you was kind of weird with you giving the tour and then sitting there an out of body experience or something..he even had your mannerisms!
Great tour and thanks for the financial update for the school a few days ago...keep us updated and enjoy you last week!
Kevin, I love reading your blogs as you have MUCH comedy, yet, also describe the unfortunate circumstances there in great detail. Please keep us posted as to the ministry's financial situation....Take care, love you bro, Pat
PS- Tell Matt I said hey and that he got the answer wrong the last time I asked him, "which is better, one, or two...?"
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