Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Monday June 9th.

Monday June 9, 2008
Today I filled in for Ashley and taught English from 8-3:30. It was a long and crazy day. Today made me realize that I would not want to be an English teacher over seas. After class I took a little power nap and then headed over to the orphanage and helped some kids with their homework. Gerison is having trouble in math. He reminded me of myself today, because when he wasn’t able to do it, he started to tear up with frustration just like I did when I was learning to read. It didn’t help that the house mother just sat there and was asking… you don’t know it, you don’t know it? After the tutoring session Matt and Avis and I headed to a ladies house for another round of those cell group videos. The videos and techniques that this church is going into is more like a numbers game. It’s all about winning as many souls as you possibly can, the pastor talks about how his church in 21 days saved 18,270 people and how they tried to contact each one but couldn’t because the next day they saved 1000 more. For some reason I think they might be lacking some relational aspects. I’m not sure if I really agree with it, but it is what it is. When the video was over the lady made us all tea and whipped up some omelets with asparagus, onions and cheese. The tea and omelets were really awesome, and being Peruvian and old women they all just chatted for hours. We ended up leaving at around 9:30 when the women started getting wound up and talking extremely fast and Avis decided she couldn’t understand them anymore.


Anonymous said...

Hey KG! I have enjoyed your stories and I am inspired by your willingness to invest in people of all ages. What does the ice cream taste like? Is it as good as Blue Bell? Ha! When will you break out your tennis skills on the boys? Tell Matt hello for me. Remember to delight in the words of God each day (Psalm 1:1-3)!

Isaiah 40:31

Anonymous said...

Being a teacher is a lot harder than you thought, huh? haha Have patience with the little tikes. I bet they love you down there!

Armstrong's said...

Love the stories and pictures! Bet your Spanish is amazing already!

Kristal said...

Thanks for blogging about your experience, Kev! I noticed your friend Joey called you KG. My friends in college used to call me KG. :0) Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are being stretched a lot...good stuff. The ministry in Costa Rica that Emily and I almost worked for was also largely focused on the numbers, which was definitely a sticking point for us. Building relationships is vital and it sounds like you are doing that well. So are all of these sermons in Spanish...if so I didn't realize you were that fluent in spanish. It is very fun to read your posts...I am praying for you...let us know if there is specific things you need prayer for
