Saturday, June 21, 2008

June 21st.

The Bible says not to covet, but what if I’m coveting someone else’s relationship with God? I’ve come to realize how jealous I am of Avis’s relationship with Christ. She just randomly shouts out “hallelujah” and “praise Jesus” super loud all the time. She’s always talking about how Christ has done this and that and has so much faith in everything. She’s really teaching me a lot. It was overwhelming to hear her say the other day that she is still learning so much about God’s grace. She’s 63 and still learning a lot, I think I’ve got a ways to go.

Sorry I haven’t updated in awhile. I’ve been pretty busy lately. We took trip to Trujillo on Thursday, and I just want to give a shout out to Papa John’s, thanks for being awesome and having a restaurant in Trujillo, Peru. Half a family size pepperoni pizza does wonders for refueling the tanks. I think I can go on eating rice and chicken for another 2.5 weeks now. Matt and I decided that for our 4th of July celebration that we should go to Trujillo and eat American food. Besides a Papa John’s there’s a Pizza Hut, McDonald’s, and Kentucky fried chicken. We might do a rotating feast.

Today was the anniversary of the City of Pacasmayo. So they had another huge march so all the kids from the school marched in their uniforms it was pretty sweet. They wanted me to help carry the school banner again because I’m awesome… or just American. From now on every June 21st I’m going to find some chicken and rice and eat it in remembrance.


Pat and Lee Anne said...

Glad to see you're not only mentoring but you're also being mentored. Sounds like an incredible lady to learn from. Sounds like she has the 2 greatest commandments God and love others. Glad to hear you got some good ole American eats! Pat

Anonymous said...


I was so sad to miss your call. we were out at the pool. we got in sat. 21about 4 p.m. can't wait to talk to you. I hopw you're taking pictures.! i just caught up on all your blogs. Awesome! love mom

Anonymous said...


Its great to be able to read your blogs. We just got back ourselves and I know what you mean about the chicken and rice. Our experience was awesome as you know. Sounds like you are really enjoying what your doing and God is blessing you on your journey with him. Thanks for making proud of you. Love dad

Anonymous said...

Kevin - It's so great reading about your experience in Peru. Sounds like the experience of a lifetime! What you are doing is really inspiring to me. Your maturity and commitment to doing God's work is awesome. And you really have a gift with children. Hope you get more Pizza and maybe even some Kentucky Fried Chicken! Take care of yourself and keep up the good work! Sandy Stigall

Jana said...


I am so proud of you for accepting the call to go on this journey. YOur life will be forever changed. I can't wait to hear about it!!

I know what you mean about Papa John's---remember how excited we were to eat at Pizza Hut in Lima at the end of our trip??? I would watch out for the KFC, though---it might be fried guinea pig!!!

Praying for you,

Jana Hinton