Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day.

Happy Father’s day. The morning’s sermon was about the family and the father’s role. Avis also talked about how God was the father of everyone especially the abandoned, and how even though a lot of the kids don’t have a physical father God puts men into their lives to be their physical fathers, and she asked some of the older guys that were in the church to come up front, including Matt and I. She said see kids, God puts men like these in your life to show you good examples of fathers. Then she told all the kids to come give us hugs. I got bull rushed by about 10 of them and almost bit the dust. It was a pretty emotional sermon for a lot of people at that church. Not many had worldly fathers that are worth looking up too.


Pat and Lee Anne said...

That's incredible Kevin. I'm sure you were overwhelmed in humility when those kids rushed you...amazing how much they must crave a father in their lives. I'm glad you're there to represent our Heavenly Father. What an honor our Heavenly Father has blessed you and Matt with in hanging out with those kids this summer. Praying for you man. Have fun! Pat

Anonymous said...

Hey KG! Thanks for being a blessing from God to people here and to the fatherless kids in Peru! Make sure to blog about your preaching opportnities. Thanks for imitating the work of Christ and take time to laugh out loud today!

Isaiah 40:31

Anonymous said...

Your stories are awesome and I can't wait to read more of them :)