Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We made it

We made it to Pacasmayo safely, but not uneventfully. We arrived at about 6:00 am. I'll try and post some more pictures and info later. There is very limited access to the internet, but I will try and update as much as possible.


Sara said...

Glad to hear you made it! Have a safe and wonderful time.

Lots of love,
Aunt Sara

Anonymous said...

kev, of course we're going to want details. I'm curious about the not uneventfully part. Sherri said Matt said there is limited access but I think once you get settled and a "routine" you'll make time to fit it in PLEASE!
love mom

Anonymous said...

Nice post Kevin - way to make the momma freak out:)

Glad to hear you got there safe


Kristal said...

I look forward to reading all about your trip and keeping up with your adventures over the next couple months! Love you! Cousin Kristal

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you and Matt are there safely. The trip there was probably just the beginning of the "not uneventfully" days you'll be having. I look forward to hearing details!