Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Trial by fire.

Well, the English teacher Ashley told me today that she's going back to the states on sunday. Her grandma is dying and she wants to see her again. It is so hard to be so far away when stuff like that happens.

So that means that I am going to be the full time english teacher. Up to this point I've taken over a couple classes so she could go to the market, and helped her with others, but taking it over completely is going to be another beast to tame. I'll need some patience which I'm generally short on. So if you're reading this and in the praying mood, pray that I won't throw any kids out of a window, one named Berly especially.

I tried making some salsa yesterday, but it just tasted like chopped up tomatoes. I put alot of other vegies and spices in there, but I guess just not enough.

Until next time.


Anonymous said...

Kevin, I'm sure you'll do just FINE!!! What an awesome opportunity! I've always heard that English is at the very least, one of the hardest languages to learn (probably because we butcher it so badly!) so if you get something...anything, into them, good for you! Much love to you and looking forward to seeing another slide show! And in response to your next message.... I think your faith is right where it needs to be. That is, looking to grow and learning from those around us. It truly IS a LIFETIME task. Keep going... Your doing great! Love again, Aunt Susan

Kristal said...

I'm praying for you, Kev!

Amie Williams said...

Hey Kevin,
We finally discovered your blog and we actually got our internet working too. We're glad to hear what you're doing in Peru. My teaching advice is just don't harm any of the children :) I'm sure you'll be great. Jeremy says to put jalepenos in your salsa, but he's never actually made it, so take that for what its worth.
Jeremy, Amie and Luke Williams

Anonymous said...

Hey Kev, It sounds like you'll have your work cut out. You'll be great! I'm so impressed that you're trying to make things! You could always refer to for a great salsa recipe! Love you! Oh, and Bella says hi!

Church Lady said...

enjoy checking your BLOG each day! Your pictures are especially fun. I even put a picture of you and Jake Taylor in the bulletin this week.

Megan has 2 more days of her first summer school teaching experience and boy has she had a learning experience. Yesterday the police were called and she had to file a police report on a 6 year old boy who has "anger issues". He hit, scratched, bit and hung onto her after kicking a couple other students. (He had peed on another kid earlier in the week.) He won't be coming back to summer school.

Teaching is an awesome responsibility. We will pray for you! You can do ALL THINGS through Christ who gives you strength.

Keep posting, Cindi

Anonymous said...

Hey KG! I'll lift you up to Christ on behalf of your new responsibilities! My advice is to use lots of object lessons and visuals for teaching English. Use lots of sports equipment and food for your object lessons and visuals. Ha! Keep pressing on and move the students in small steps of victory.

Isaiah 40:31

Jana said...


Are you really surprised that Joey advised you to use lots of sports equipment and food for object lessons and visuals? I laughed out loud at the thought of you teaching the kids English by way of a Louisville Slugger, fried catfish and sweet tea. Although, I am pretty sure that might actually work. I mean, why not? It works to teach us about the Lord....I prayed that you wouldn't throw the kids out the window and I am sure Jesus knew exactly what I meant. Can't wait for you to get home and share your stories!!

Jana Hinton

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work stud...


Anonymous said...

kev, you'll do fine with the kids. i'll be praying for you. just count to 10 before you give in to throwing one out the window!! I'm guessing you'll have alot more respect for all of your teachers after you're finished with this!! It is a big job. the pics matt posted of the ruins were awesome. it did my heart good to see a pic of you. when you get a chance, post some pics of one of your classes.
love mom