Today I filled in again for Ahsley, she was still traveling back from Lima. Oh ya, I'm not only teaching the kids spanish, but after the school day all the professors want me to teach english to them aswell, haha. After that, around 5:00 I went over to the orphanage and helped Gerison with his math homework. He is struggling a lot and I'm pretty worried about him. He is 10 years old and still having trouble with multiplication and division... you teachers out that normal? I wish I had some flash cards that would really help... I'm using beads right now to help him with the concepts. If you have some ideas post them in the comments. I stayed over at the orphanage until now..its about 8:00, those kids have a huge amount of homework, its redunk.
Tomorrow I'm going to the doctor with Gerison, Joel (pronounced yo well), and Betesabel. I'm pretty excited to experiance a Peruvian hospital. They have a couple warts on their hands that need to be removed.
I don't mean to brag, but my spanish is getting pretty awesome. I'm super pumped. Tomorrow I'm going to work on using the present perfect tense.. i.e. "I have not eaten anything tonight."(really I haven't) instead of just using "I did not eat." I can understand people really well now, except when they talk fast and use advanced conjucations.
Also..Thanks for all your comments. I DO read them, sorry if I don't get back to you in emails. If you want me to write back leave your email address and I will.
P.S. Vanessa what's your email? I had it saved on my computer but I can't find it.
Te voy a comentar en espanol para que sigas practicando. Que bueno que estas aprendiendo tanto. Buena suerte con el presente perfecto :) - es bastante facil y eres bien listo. He leido tambien el blog de Gateway- no puedo creer que hace un ano estuvimos en Peru! Espero que disfrutes el viaje al hospital.
Wow, Emily took the words right out of my mouth! I completely agree with what she said. haha
I'm excited to hear that your Spanish is coming along. You'll have to teach Bella when you come back. My email is and you should check out Gateways Peru trip blog on the Child Reach Ministries website if you haven't already. I can't wait to hear what the hospital was like! Love you!
Hey KG! You are such the bilingual stud! Sounds like the people there are drawn to you like flies on honey and I say keep having a rollicking time with them! That is not Spanish but it is Southern! Ha!
Once again, thanks for living an obedient, inspiring life in Christ!
Isaiah 40:31
Hey KG! One more thing, when you vist the hospital there let me know if they use the same anti-bacterial stuff my mom used on me. And that would be licking her fingers and wiping her spit on the appropriate spot! Ha!
Isiaah 40:31
so awesome to hear about all your adventures over there so far. praying that the Lord continues to use you in awesome ways to be His hands and feet for the people of peru! just keep loving on people and serving them with that huge guier heart that He has gifted your family with!
and maybe make flash cards as project you guys do together so he can take those home with him. the beads idea is awesome and so tangible too!
may you live out isaiah 61:1-4!
isaiah 62:10
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