Saturday, June 7, 2008


First of all... I didn't have much time yesterday to post pictures. It takes about 2 mins to upload one picture and we were in a hurry to leave to some in home meetings. The meetins were about how to start cell groups so that the church could grow, we went into some peoples houses and played a dvd that was in english and spanish. They were pretty intresting, and very long and detailed. The 2nd and last house that we went to that night was the home of a man who was a stone carver. He makes chess boards and pieces completly by hand. After the video was over he invited us to go in to town and eat with him and his wife and son, the roasted chicken and french fries were awesome. His name was Pilar, but we called him Segundo, meaning the 2nd, i'm guessing is fathers name is Pilar as well. Anywho, after the meal was over he went and paid for all of us, I guess the rule is if you invite someone to eat anywhere you pay for them, kind of a cool practice. Paying for our dinner was very meaningful to me because this guy was living out of an adobe house, and I know that it was probably a much bigger sacrifice for him to pay for us than I realize.

Saturday June 7th This morning was the parade that the children had practiced marching for every day for 2 hours. All the schools represented themselves in the city square. Children from each school were dressed up in their uniforms and had a couple flag bearers showing the schools colors. Our school sported an American flag, a Peruvian flag, and a Christian flag. After about an hour long ceremony where the national anthem was played and the volunteer fireman were honored, each school took a turn marching down the street with. Matt and I were asked to help carry the school banner because they wanted to show off their Americans. So we carried the banner down the road while music was playing and people were throwing flower petals at us, I felt like I had just returned from a war or something…lol. We brought a couple kids from the orphanage with us to watch the parade, Garrison and Juell, they are brothers. After the parade, Garrison, Juell, Avis, Matt and I ate some lunch at a place on the beach. After that we played in the sand for awhile even though we all had our best clothes on, it was a blast. We also were able to buy 4 ice cream cones for the equivalent of $1.00. That’s pretty hard to beat. P.S. Sorry if my grammar is starting to get bad, my head is so full of Spanish it’s about to burst. PPS, I'm trying to post a video of the parade and some pictures as well, if it doesn't work..sorry.


Anonymous said...

Kev! That's so awesome! The parade sounded like a blast. I would have loved to see you carrying the banner and all of the flower petals! haha The video worked great! It sounds like you have already had some amazing experiences in just the first week!

parker said...

Kevin, wow you have been busy is a very short time. The parade looked very cool.

Anonymous said...

Really enjoyed seeing the pictures and video!! Make matthew do that to his too!! Sounds like everything is pretty neat and you have done so much already.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kev...
I'm so glad I get to keep up with your Peru experience...the video did'll have to show me how to do that too!
I'm thankful that you safely arrived and that God is protecting you and USING you for His work..what a blessing!

Pat and Lee Anne said...

Kevin- Great blog man. Keep up the good work...I know it's hard to make time for it but your family will really appreciate it. I'm glad to see that you could be their "token Americans"..HA! I had no idea that Matt was going with you! How cool to have a buddy along for the ride. What a great experience you guys will have that will change your lives. And it's all for Christ and the kids. God is smiling on you two right now. Take care, have fun, Pat Whitworth