Sunday June 8, 2008
Church this morning was awesome. The pastor Randy gave a sermon about how we need to build each other up, and encourage each other and not gossip about one another. He used a really good illustration about how talking bad about one of Christ’s sons or daughters is like talking bad about Christ himself. He then talked about how we should resolve our conflicts with one another, after he said that a lady actually stood up, walked to the front of the church and called out another ladies name who was there and she came up to the front, the lady then proceeded to apologize to the other lady in front of the whole church. After about 5 minutes of apologizing they were both in tears and hugging, and the whole church was clapping for them. Another man then stood up and apologized to the same lady and to Avis and some other people. I don’t think that would ever happen at any church I’ve been to in the US. I think the reason for that is many people in the US are too prideful, and are not willing to admit their wrongs. Relationships would be some much easier if we all weren’t so full of ourselves.
After lunch Matt and I took Garrison, Juell, and Johnson down to the beach and had a blast. I was trying to teach Garrison how to swim but it was too difficult in the ocean with big waves coming every 10 seconds. Matt left a little early because he went to go practice playing the guitar with the praise band. So me and the boys got some Ice cream, if your ever in Peru and you see an ice cream dude get the frozen sublime bars you won’t regret it. 4 ice cream bars cost the equivalent of $1. After ice cream we walked to the bakery to buy some bread. I got 10 freshly made fist size rolls for less than $.50. Bread is super cheap. There was another church service at 7:00 that I went to and I didn’t really know if it was good or not because the lady that talked the whole time spoke really quickly and I understood about 5 words. She sounded like she was giving a good sermon though.
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