Last night and today was awesome.
For new years we participated in the Peruvian custom. People make dolls and stuff them with hay and burn them at 12:00. We had a church service that started at 9:00 and went until midnight. After the worship and a quick sermon we had an open mic. Anyone who wanted to could come up and talk. The subject was, "what were you thankful for last year." At this church when there's an open mic, everyone talks so it easily lasted until it was time to light the human size doll on fire. Overall it was a great New Year celebration and honestly the first one I can remember having in a Church. It's really great to see how great the Church community here is when they want to celebrate everything together.
New Year's day was excellent as well. I woke up at about 9:00 and my father and I switched some car batteries around so we could get the van running, then installed a shower curtain rod, towel rod, and clothes hanger rod in my room. Then at 1:00 I went over to the orphanage to make sure the kids were ready to go swim in the river, and got to eat my favorite peruvian dish for lunch, lomo saltado. At 2:00 16 kids from the orphanage, 10 from the church, and my parents and I went to swim in the river. It was a blast. All the kids had a lot of fun.
After that we had "Missionary Night" where all the gringos get together and eat dinner made by one of the other gringos every thursday. After that we played some Bible trivia. We did guys vs. girls... Avis pretty much just wiped the floor with us.
Ok once again the pictures aren't working, I think I figured out what's causing it. I will reformat the images tomorrow and try and post them. Happy new year!
We love hearing about your trip! Keep the updates coming!
Jimmy and Emily
Lisa, Kellie, and Kevin,
So glad to hear you made it safely. Happy New Year!!! The work you are doing there is so awesome! Take care and keep the updates coming.
Sandy Stigall
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