Monday, January 12, 2009

Pictures and update

The last couple of days have been pretty busy.

Friday was a big day. It started out with Ruben, Linche and their two sisters Jenifer and Ninilinita's parents showing up to take them back home. The kids had mixed emotions along with everyone else here. They were happy to go back to live with their parents but they were also sad to leave all their friends and comforts they had here. Before they left all the kids, house moms and I got in a circle and held hands and prayed for them, then they all hugged eachother goodbye. We loaded them up with clothes and soccer balls and then they left to go back to Trujillo.

After that I took the boys to the beach because the girls got to have a fingernail painting party earlier in the day with my mom. They reminded me that I still owe them dinner because I told them that if they could solve a puzzle we brought down then I'd take them. They figured it out pretty quick. So I told them not today but we'll go another time, because it was Norma's Quicenera tonight. They have a huge celebration for 15th birthdays for girls here just like they do in Mexico and many other latin american countries. There are a couple pictures below. Her Quincenera though was on her 16th birthday because she didn't get to have one on her 15th because she wasn't here. It lasted from 8 - 12 at night and was a great time.

Yesterday we gave the kids some stickers that were a present from Mrs. Sams preschool class. They loved them.

I'd write more, but I'd be late to the interview of the some of the teachers that I have to translate for. I'll catch up on some more later.


Amy said...

Kevin...I can tell that you are right at home there....once are a HUGE inspiration to me of what it means to say "YES" to God...your life screams..."Here I am...send me!" I'm praying for you guys...I love to see family serving together on the day I hope to have my parents join me on a mission are shining Christ.
Amy Hayward

Anonymous said...

Kevin, Kelly & Lisa -

I loved reading your stories about your experience in Peru. The bikes - totally awesome! I'm kind of partial to bikes anyway and your story really made me think about the joy a child feels when he or she learns to ride for the first time. You guys are making a huge impact.

Thanks for giving of your love, time, talents, resources and passions to declare God's love in Peru. I am so thankful for all you are doing there.

Your family is being knit together in ways that only God knows. What an incredible experience to share with one another.

We love you guys and miss you guys.

Cordell, Shannon & Makenzie