After 2 long days of travel we made it. After preliminary gear checks it looks like the computer we brought for Avis is going to be fine. I haven’t booted it up yet but everything is in one piece, so that’s a good sign. I was planning on sneaking into the orphanage and surprising the kids, but I got tackled by Gerson, Yhonson and Joel as soon as I stepped off the bus. I was the one who was surprised. After we unpacked our bags we shared a meal with Avis, Ashley, and Tony and Marianna who are a couple from Canada that are planning on building a house down here. I also received another surprise when Avis showed me the living quarters that Orelio and Carlos finished over the last couple months. I am sleeping in a one bedroom place that is mine to stay in when I come back in May.
Day 1- First thing first, I had to take the Rojas kids to get a haircuts. I had talked to them on Skype about a month ago and noticed that their hair was really long, and then they told me that my hair was too long. So I said, "well, I'll cut it when I get to Peru" so they decided to wait until I got here to cut their hair as well. So four weeks later we all had the longest hair we've ever had. After the hair cut we went and got lunch. After that my mom went with some of the ladies from the church to hand out bags full of necessities to the new group of poor people who migrated here. The people already in the town called it an "invasion". Basically a big group of people all moved to Pacasmayo at the same time with no possessions. While my mother was doing this I walked around the town and bought some supplies. Meanwhile dad was already doing what he does best, building a fence. He and Orelio had to build a temporary fence to legally divide the property. The boys and I helped, and they felt really macho learning how to drive nails and cut boards with a handsaw.
Ok, sorry there's no pictures, I've been trying for awhile to post them but for some reason the internet isn't agreeing with them right now. I'll try to get some up soon.
Hey Guiers!
Happy New Year! We are so glad to hear that you all and the computer made it safely.
Can't wait to hear more about what God has in store for you the next few weeks!
Love you all,
The Kirks
Hi Kevin and Lisa and Kelly - glad you got there just fine! We're thinking of you and are looking forward to keeping up with you here.
Love you,
Hi Fam, Happy New Year! Sounds like you guys have jumped right in! We're glad you all made it safely.
Let me know if you have a chance to skype sometime. Love you guys, enjoy the chicken today!
Yea! You made it safely! Lea and I are praying for your safety while you are away. We also pray that God uses you in miraculous ways as you give of yourselves. We want to SKYPE too..."call" us anytime, we'll be logged on at all times!
Hey Kev, I am setting up Grandma and Grandpa Sachse's blog account so they can respond. Grandma says she has been keeping up with your blog and is glad she can now respond!!! Welcome Home.
Aunt Jenni
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