Friday, January 2, 2009

Pictures! and update

Today my parents are driving to Paijan, which is halfway to Trujillo, with Avis and Ashley to give away some medical equipment. People have brought a lot of medical equipment down over the last couple years for Avis that she has no idea how to use... like heart cathoders and IV's so we decided that while we are here we will load it all up in the van and drive it to a town that has a small hospital and lacks supplies. We also had a bunch of walkers that we have already disperesed around the town. I think everyone I've met has a 95 year old grandma, haha. After they drop off the medical equipment they are going to Trujillo to do some grocery shopping. While they were busy doing that I went with Maribel to another city to look at some computers that someone wants to sell to us. It is a very good deal. 4 computers, with 3 tables for 1200 dollars, so we have decided to buy them, seeing that the school needs them and so does the office.
I spent some time with the new kids yesterday and today. They are still a little shy but they are starting to warm up. One of the new boys Ruben got up and spoke during the open mic night at church and said that he was thankful that he was here because he has everything he needs here. Him and his brother arrived a week and a half ago. The officials said that they would only be here for a couple days while they were investigating thier mother. But I have a feeling they might be here for longer than that. Another new one named Heiser is a handful, he's 4 years old and won't stop laughing. It's so good to see kids coming from the situations that they do and just be able to be kids here. I tried to feed the new baby Maria today but she wouldn't let me, I don't know why, my niece Bella always eats great for me haha.
As of right now I'm just trying to write this post... I've already had to rewrite it about 3 times because I keep accedently writing in spanish because I can't concentrate to save my life right now. I have three kids behind me playing mario on my old gameboy that I brought down, so I keep turning around and talking to them turn around and start writing again and realize its in spanish. haha.
Here are a few pictures that I have taken over the past couple days.
Finally some pictures for you all.
First the great haircut of 2008

After the haircutLisa and Kelly playing with 10 of the kids in the river New Year's day Buring the doll for the New Year
Lisa preparing the bags to give out around the town with some other ladies from the church
I will post some more pictures after I reformat some more.


Amy said...

Hey Kevin, Lisa and Kelly...thanks for updating and the pics are awesome! What is so cool is to see a Father, Mother and son serving Christ together and the joy is just written all over your faces! Know that I am praying for you guys! Can't wait to hear more stories!

The Thurn Family said...

Hi Kev~
I love the thought of the little boy that can't stop laughing. Ahh...contentment! That is one of the biggest things that Dakota remembers about the kids at the Hogar de Ninos. God uses little kids' smile and laughter to teach us valuable lessons about being HAPPY - RIGHT where you are!
Hair cuts are adorable!
I also love the pics of your mom and dad in the water with the kids! Looks like soooo much fun!
Love to them and to you too!

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you all and been waiting to see the pictures...they always speak volumes! Wonderful to see you are having a blessed time there...keep on loving those children. God bless.

Anonymous said...

Guess I hit the wrong button...that was me that just posted the comment. Take care.

Ally Massey said...

Hey Guier family...been praying for you and all that God has called you to do in Peru. May you enjoy every minute of walking obedience out with God.