It never rains here, just like in Chilca where we've been with Childreach. However, these last 3 days it has rained each night, all night. People's houses are flooding, including a couple rooms at the orphanage. When they build stuff here they never think about making it water proof. I have a picture of some city workers sweeping up water down below. I am praying that the rain stops because a lot of people who live around here don't have roofs. Also if the rain continues people's houses will litterally melt because they are made out of adobe.
Last night we took Gerson, Yhonson, and Joel out to eat some pizza at the only pizza place in town. It was amazing. I forgot my camera and so did my mother. Sorry. We got pretty wet getting there though even with taking a moto. I've got some more pictures below.
We'll be getting back Saturday in the morning. I'm not sure if I'm going to have time to post before now and then, so if not Thanks for taking this trip with us.
My dad with a big hardware store dog. He's huge, really.

Here is my mom doing flash cards, Mimi on the right and one of the twins on the left... I never can get their names

Man sweeping water through the streets

Nelson and his happy face

This is a shot of Jose eating popcorn...his hand is blurry because it's litterally moving that fast, maybe next time I'll put my camera on sport mode.
SOOOOOO great to see your face, can't wait to hug your neck! We'll pray for the rain to stop & for showers so you can be clean too!
Great pictures! We're so excited to see you guys! Bella needs her Uncle Kev, Mimi, and Papa fix! Enjoy the last days down there and we'll pray for the rain to stop!
There's never a dull moment. I admire the positive tone of your blogs. You are investing your time and energy into beautiful little people each day. The pictures are great. You are appreciated and loved. -Kim McRae
Wow that is crazy that it is raining so much there. When we went in the summer it started misting and they were acting like it was a huge storm. That is a lot of water in the streets! I will be praying for the rain to stop. Enjoy your last few days there! I am sure God still has a lot planned for the three of you!
Rain in Peru....ask your mom and dad how long it rained on us on the Amazon. Maybe they should have brought their frog wear or ducks rear...whatever theirs was called. Anyway, I will too, be praying for the rain to stop. That sounds terrible about what could happen to the houses. Yikes!
Be safe coming home and tell Richard hello for us!
Thanks Kevin for taking the time to include us on your journey!
It is so awesome to watch God use you in a land that yearns to know Him more. Our God is Mighty to Save and he is so using you!
E2 (Emily Tipton
Kevin, Lisa and Kelly,
It looks like you all are doing some amazing things for the kids there. You are truly caring for the least of these in what you are doing. It sounds like you'll be back soon. Our Jamaica team left today so we have Gateway people spread out all over the world caring for others. Keep up the good work. And, Lisa, I think you should bring that fabulous floral ensemble back to KC, it looked great :)
Amie Williams
So good to hear about all that you're getting to do. Scott and I want to have you over next time you're in KC for a few days and hear about it. Let us know when you're around.
~Lauren Sterling
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