Saturday, January 10, 2009

prison day and some other fun things

hola! I had some girls over
to paint nails and to have
coke, cookies and popcorn.
While they were waiting their turns for nails,
they were outside riding bikes.
As you can see in the cleaning picture, I have a new dress.
I found it in the clothes closet because I had to have a dress to wear to the prison.( More about that in a minute) Jordyn in the picture with kelly and the other one by himself is available for adoption. According to his bio he will be five this month. He seems younger. He is ADORABLE and chatters all the time. He loves the books I brought and has sat on my lap quite a few times to read. He has no siblings. Today when we came to pick up the girls we were taking for dinner he was outside and yells Kevine, Kevine! He wanted to hug Kevin and be picked up by him. I tried to hug him but that wouldn't do!

Thursday, I had the opportunity to visit the ladies prison. We had to wear dresses that's why I picked this new treasure out. I was told we would be searched but that didn't happen. It is harder to get through airport security than in that place. We had bagged up some individual packages of clothes for the women on Wednesday to take with us. We were escorted into the courtyard where a guard began calling the ladies in and blowing her whistle. They came in and lined up. They were all ages. I saw that some of them came in with their knitting needles so I thought, they must not be too dangerous to be able to bring those in! Also, the ladies with babies up to 3 keep their kids in prison with them so there were quite a few kids. A lady from the community talked to them about Jesus and then Avis prayed. I stood looking out at the group and noticed a blond fair skinned girl in her 20's. I noticed her face was hard and sceptical looking. I prayed that she would soften and hear the message. She came up for prayer later. I was able to get close to her when I was waling up and down the lines passing out toothpaste. I asked her where she was from. She spoke English. She said she was from the Ukraine. She was in Peru because of a boyfriend. His friends sold drugs so now they are all in . She told me the judge told her right before Christmas that is looks like she will be there 15 years. She said she had no family to help her. I don't know to what extent she was involved, but my heart went out to her. She said she didn't really understand about praying. I told her she could talk to God as a friend and just regular conversaion. She said bibles were available so I told her to try to read a little each day and start with Matthew. She said she had tried to read before but didn't understand. I told her to ask for understanding and that I asked for understaind too. At one point , the guard was telling her to go but she asked for a few minutes more to talk to me. I hugged her and told her that even if I never see her again, I would be praying for her. Her name is Alyena. It was very hard to walk out and leave her there. Another unexpected thing was that the women could sell what they had made. We bought some things. I bought 2 really cute hats for Bella and Sophie.
It was another WOW time in Peru. I can't count how many wow's there have been. Sorry this is so long. I will have to tell you all about Milagros and bikeriding another time.
Thanks for reading Lisa


Johnsons said...

As I began reading I thought Kevin was saying he had girls over to paint their nails and eat popcorn, haha, then I realized it was mom.

The kids in the pictures are so cute, it looks like dad is having a great time too. What a sweet little boy. We will pray for Aleyna too, what a heart breaking story. But, what an amazing opportunity to share Jesus!

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing! I am so glad you were present with Aleyna and helped her understand how she can connect with God. I pray that God would show mercy to her and provide an advocate in this time of need, since family is not around.
Keep absorbing the WOW's! I love to hear about them!

Anonymous said...

Kevin, Kelly & Lisa,
The girls were sitting on the end of our bed as we read the blogs...
Lisa...your story about the girl name Aleyna really hit home... we were all drawn into the story when we read the name. How awesome to read what God is doing there! We will continue to pray for you all. Keep blogging, can't wait to read the next one... :)
Love you guys!
Rob, Brenda & the gang

The Bailes said...

Mom, Love the dress...looks like something you used to wear...hahaha. We can't wait to hear more WOW stories when you get back, it was good to hear from you! I am praying for Aleyna right now!

The Bailes said...
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Amy said...

Lisa...your blog is making me cry...I completely understand all the WOW's! And I know the feeling of not being able to write it all down...just remember that some of those stories are just for you and God to treasure...His gifts to you! I have the biggest smile on my face looking at the pics and hearing what God is doing...I can only imagine the smile on God's face as He looks down on you guys...He is pleased! I will be praying for Aleyna too...God has great plans for her. I am praying you guys through...say hi to Kelly for me! Oh, by the the dress! ;) miss ya!

The Thurn Family said...

Ahhhh Lisa! I love the WOW moments! Keep them comin'! How Awesome is it that even if you planted a mere mustard seed with Aleyna, God could turn her faith into something huge. How cool for God to ask you to be a part of it and for you to be obedient to His direction. Please continue to soak in every moment and save them up until we can find a date to get together when I get back and share our stories!
Love the pictures of Kelly and the kids.
Love the pictures of you and the girls having your special time together.
Love the mental image of Jordyn yelling for 'Kevine Kevine'and wanting him to grab him up!
Mostly love... your pretty new dress! That is soooooo special. :)
Please tell Kelly and Kevin hello too.
Miss you!
Love ya,