Sunday, January 4, 2009

Update 1/4/2009

I have decided to put pictures in seperate post just to make formatting easier, scroll down to see the new ones.

Yesterday my father and I fixed toilets all day long. There are six toilets in the orphanage and they all needed tinkering with. After we got that started I left him to go pick up the 4 computers that we decided to buy.

Today we went to the beach with 19 kids after church. The psychologist is in town and went with us to watch the kids interact. We all had a really good time jumping waves in the very cold water. It became overcast around 4:00 so that is when we returned

Tomorrow we are going to Chiclayo to get the desks started. They all have to be made by hand so we need to find someone who can do it.

By the way, the weather is 75 degrees and sunny, with a cool breeze.


Unknown said...

So glad you could post some pics...looks like you guys are very busy! That's a good thing! We love you and are praying for you!

Jimmy Armstrong said...

Just catching up on your adventures...looks like you are all having great fun. How cool that your parents get to experience it as well. Let us know if there are any prayer requests. I am writing right now trying to hold back from going in to get samuel who is screaming his head off since I put him in his crib to sleep - he is not a big fan to say the least.

God Bless

Steve and Rachael Greer said...

I've been keeping up with your trip! It looks like you are getting a lot done. Great hair cuts... it looks like those kids really love you! Love the pictures!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I just caught up with all your entries on the blog. Y'all are doing work that brings a smile to God's face and I am thrilled y'all are serving as a family. i have enjoyed the pics and when will we see ultimate frisbee pics? I hope you continue to experience the great favor of Christ today!

Isaiah 40:31

Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin!
Thanks so much for the favorite is the one of the pigs. yummy!
I am so glad you get to serve alongside your parents, what a rich experience that is! Continue to be the presence of Christ to those in Pacasmayo!

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

Sounds like you guys are having a great time! I am so jealous that it is 75 there and that you guys get to swim in the river. That sounds like fun! I am praying that God continues to use you guys there in great ways!

Johnsons said...

Yo what's up. If I was there I could help you make the desk...well depending on equipment maybe. Anyways it must be nice to swim in January for New years. You probably haven't done that to much. What is the reason they believe in burying a doll for New Year's? Bella says hello to you all and she is trying to hold out from walking until you get home. We are praying for you, but is there anything specific that we go to God for on ya'lls or the kids behalf? Kevin, I taught Vanessa how to play Risk and she destroyed all of us playing, plus she has become a Wii phenom and has become a perfectionist with the scores. She is pretty much unbeatable. So Kelly and Lisa good luck getting that back from her. Love yall VBB

Anonymous said...

The pictures are great (except for the pigs!). Sounds like you are keeping pretty busy. I want to know if Lisa ate the squid. Take care and keep up the good work.

Ally Massey said...

Seriously...I would stick with the fruit stand...the pigs and squid look disguisting :) But the children....look amazing, their sweet little smiles. Praying over their hearts that they will know the amazing love of God the Father through you guys God's hands and feet. I would love you all to share a testimony time on January 25th at church. We are talking about the hymn Great is thy Faithfulness and it just seems like a perfect time for you and your parents to share. God is so amazingly Faithful...all the way to Peru.
Strength for Today, bright hope for tomorrow...Great is God's Faithfulness

Anonymous said...

Kevin, Kelly & Lisa -

Sounds like you guys are having an awesome experience as a family. I'm so happy for you. What a great adventure to share. God is using you guys in ways that will blow your mind. I'm anxious to hear the stories in person.

I will be praying for your family. I'm thrilled for your experience in Peru but know that you are all missed in Blue Springs.

Love you guys.


Armstrong's said...

You guys sound really busy! Love the updates and pictures. Praying for you guys!