Monday, December 6, 2010
Imminent Return
So the plan right now is that I will return to Pacasmayo in January and spend a month at the orphanage in Pacasmayo and see how things go, if things work out then it is a possibility that I stay there, but right now it is looking very likely that I will be going to Trujillo in February.
To clear some things up, when I say "see how things go" I'm referring to the current unstable condition of the orphanage in Pacasmayo. They recently had an inspection and they need to change a lot of things physically and administratively. These things are in truth pretty simple to change it is just a matter of people wanting to change them. Sorry I'm being vague I just don't want to step on anyone's toes right now. The deadline for these changes are February and I'll have a good idea if they are going to be made when I arrive in January allowing my decision making process to be much easier.
On a side note you may have noticed I'm playing around with the format of the blog a bit. Hang with me if things get a little crazy, and if you absolutely hate the new layouts just let me know via comments.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Getting into action
Sunday, August 1, 2010
The Future
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Some Fun Stuff

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Machu Picchu
Friday, April 30, 2010
Danilo Emergency
Tuesday night Danilo had an emergency. He started breathing really hard and could not catch his breath, he was scaring himself so it just made it worse. We rushed him down to the Health Center here in Pacasmayo where they put him on an oxygen mask. Everyone was pretty worried at this point because he just wouldn't calm down and he was starting to sweat from all the effort he was putting in to breath. The Health Center here in Pacasmayo decided he needed to go to Trujillo and this time they had the ambulance ready. So I rode in the back of the "ambulance" with Danilo, Maribel, and a nurse. They had him on an IV and oxygen. About halfway to Trujillo he fell asleep which actually helped the situation because he was getting more oxygen through his nose that way.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Some things still stand out
Well I know I just wrote a blog post not too long ago and I'm not in the habit of writing one so frequently but there are just some things that still catch my attention. Wednesday my attention was caught. Maribel found out about a nine year old girl that was living in pretty bad conditions through a pastor friend in Chenpen. The pastor's name is David and he does a kids group that anyone who wants to can come one of those kids is Claudia. Maribel went and visited Claudia last week because the pastor was wanting to know if there is anything we can do to help her or possibly bring her to the orphanage. Maribel came back crying and told me that it was the saddest thing she's ever seen, and that says a lot because both her and I have seen some pretty sad stuff here. So I agreed to go back with her and visit Claudia.

Sunday, April 11, 2010
I'm alive

Saturday, March 13, 2010
Canada eh?
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Saturday, February 6, 2010
Rain again
Friday, January 29, 2010
Soccer and Surf
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
About time
The wedding,

I’ll start with the wedding of Mari Ester. She was our secretary and great friend. I learned that in Peru the ceremony is just about the same, however it is just a lot more laid back (I guess like everything here). First they do a civil wedding the day before the ceremony. They go the city building and have a 10 minute ceremony where a judge has them sign some papers, and then some witnesses sign some papers, then it the judge pronounces them husband and wife. The room it takes place in is fairly large in size and decorated in red and white, the colors of the Peruvian flag. Only a few people go to this part, I was one of the few that were invited. After the ceremony ended when drank some sprite, then the groom took us out to lunch at a really nice restaurant. After we ate and were on the way out, Luis the groom, asked me if I could be his man of honor. So I obliged. I thought it was kind of strange that they would wait for the day before the wedding to ask me, and that they would ask me and not a brother or lifelong friend.
The next day was the actual wedding. It was outside under a white and green canopy. The wedding proceeded as they would in the states. However, it was a little unorganized. Everyone kept getting out of their seats and taking pictures throughout the entire ceremony. I kid you not, someone actually came up and stood next to the preacher and took pictures while he was talking, then they decided just to stay up there and stood next to the maid of honor. Afterwards the reception was in the same place, they just cleared out all the chairs and put out tables.
Kids update –
We had a couple of kids return to their parents and the twins got adopted to Italy. So right now we have 32 kids, the fewest we’ve had in about a year. Supposedly we are getting a family group of 5 within the next couple of days. Just 2 days ago we switched up the houses. Now we have 1 boy house and 1 girl house instead of them living intermixed. So far I think everyone likes it. I was moving beds around for what felt like an eternity. Bunk-beds don’t fit through door frames very well so I had to disassemble and reassemble 5 of them, but everything is in the perfect place now.
I also feel like a soccer mom these days. We have four scholarships for a soccer academy so I am bringing four kids every Monday, Wednesday, Friday for practice and every Saturday for games. I feel real cool pulling up in the mini-van, then giving rides to other kids without transportation to the games on Saturdays.
We got a new boy the day before Christmas. He’s somewhere around 12 or 13, he won’t really tell us anything about him or his parents. I think he must have had a really bad past because he is afraid that if we learn anything about him then we will find his parents and thinks that if we find his parents he’d have to go back with them. It was pretty good timing for him to arrive because as soon as he got here he was given Christmas gifts and Christmas parties.
Random Stuff –
My parents donated money for 3 semi-industrial washing machines so we are replacing them one by one when they break. We just had our one break last week and the first new washer is on the way.
The new pastors of the church got here last week they seem really great and I’m excited to work with them. The husband will also help with administrative duties allowing Avis to travel in the United States more often for fundraising, and the wife will work in the school teaching first grade.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!