Monday, December 6, 2010

Imminent Return

You might of seen on facebook already but I now have an official return date.  I bought my ticket for the 5th of January.  There has been a lot of changes in my plans since the last blog post so I'll catch everyone up to speed. I've decided to put my plans for starting a new project on hold for awhile, there are a lot of reasons for this, one of the main ones is that I have been offered a position at another orphanage in Trujillo.  The position was described as an administrative position and I am extremely interested in it.  I'll keep everyone up to date with how that unfolds.  The only thing keeping me from jumping all over this opportunity is the emotional attachment I have with the kids in Pacasmayo where I have been heavily involved in the past two years.

So the plan right now is that I will return to Pacasmayo in January and spend a month at the orphanage in Pacasmayo and see how things go, if things work out then it is a possibility that I stay there, but right now it is looking very likely that I will be going to Trujillo in February.  

To clear some things up, when I say "see how things go" I'm referring to the current unstable condition of the orphanage in Pacasmayo.  They recently had an inspection and they need to change a lot of things physically and administratively.  These things are in truth pretty simple to change it is just a matter of people wanting to change them.  Sorry I'm being vague I just don't want to step on anyone's toes right now.  The deadline for these changes are February and I'll have a good idea if they are going to be made when I arrive in January allowing my decision making process to be much easier.

On a side note you may have noticed I'm playing around with the format of the blog a bit.  Hang with me if things get a little crazy, and if you absolutely hate the new layouts just let me know via comments.


The Thurn Family said...

Kev- so excited to watch God unfold His plan for you and you being in tune to it. Please keep us posted on your journey!! The Thurn's are on the front row of your cheering section! Love ya:)

ritaleelovesyou said...

Yay for the update! You are in my prayers, as is the orphanage!
And I love the layout you have now!

Jimmy Armstrong said...

It’s exciting that God is revealing the next step in your journey. We pray that God gives you clear direction, patience and wisdom to discern that direction, peace in the decision making process, provides roles that fit and grow your gifts, and that God supernaturally uses you to be a living testimony of redemption in Peru. Proverbs 19:21

Johnsons said...

I love the layout of the blog! So cool! We're excited to see the next chapter that God has for you in Peru! We will miss you terribly here of course. We'll be praying for you and support you 100%!

The Bailes said...

I like the blog layout and will hang with you :) We too are excited about what God's plans are for you in Peru! I already miss you and it makes me sad that you are leaving us BUT the only thing that matters in this life is that we follow God and serve Him, so we will let you go and support you in every way we can.