Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Future

I might of caused some stir at the Gateway business meeting this morning, so I figured that I would post this for anyone who was there or was not there and is interested in the idea I shared.
What you're looking at could very well be the future. This is a house that is possibly being donated for 5 years for the use of an orphan care facility. What I proposed this morning is that Gateway church sponsor the monthly support for the care of 15 kids that would live in this house while we simultaneously build our own orphanage on our own piece of land for the care of 30 orphan children down the road. More details to come, get excited!


ritaleelovesyou said...

sooooo exciting Kevin!!!

Johnsons said...

Wow, sounds like an amazing project!

mom said...

i am excited!!!

Armstrong's said...

love it! so exciting!!

Lisa Pierce said...

I am excited to see how God is going to continue to use you & Gateway in Peru. I'll be praying for his direction & his provisions for this ministry.

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

why did I not know anything about this? That is so cool and exciting!

The Bailes said...

AWESOME...tell us more!

Steff said...

I have family in Peru and I was passing through blogs and I passed by yours I find this amazing that your doing this big props. =] I'll be posted on this because I tend to visit Peru this winter =]