Friday, January 29, 2010

Soccer and Surf

During the kids vacations I've been busier. Although I do kind of feel like a soccer mom some days. Monday, Wednesday, Friday there is soccer practice for 5 of the boys that I usually take them too in the van. Then Saturdays are the games. Last Saturday we played in San Pedro in someones private field. It was really nice, full of grass, big goals and even a pool for the kids to swim in after the game. The owner of the place gave everyone a free lunch afterwards.

I started surfing this week. A peace corp volunteer and I are giving surfing classes to some kids in the community and a couple from the orphanage. By giving classes I mean supervising and making sure no one drowns while they practice on some boards that an owner of a surf shop is letting us borrow for free. I'm practicing too. Tuesday I stood up on my first wave and it was a blast. Yesterday I got my own board so now I can practice by myself anytime I want. The board is from Maribel, her cousin moved away and left his board so she gave it to me to use. I plan on going out tonight on my own without any kids so I can get some more practice in. I'm planning on going down to the beach around 4:30 so I can be finishing up right around sunset.

We got 5 new kids this last week all 4 brothers and a sister. For the most part they are pretty mellow but one of the new kids is quite a handful. I've already had to break up a couple fights and pull him down from a gate he was trying to climb. The oldest sibling is Carlos, he is the one that goes Surfing with me, he just got up on his first wave yesterday and was really pumped.

Next week there is a 5 day church camp in Trujillo. I got roped in to going and being the adult supervisor for our older kids, so that is going to be an interesting 5 days for me.


Jimmy Armstrong said...

Sounds like fun and a good outlet for you. Are they other surfers out there?

The Bailes said...

I have always wanted to learn how to surf! That's awesome...have someone take pics of you doing it!

lisa guier said...

I was wondering for a moment about how you could give lessons on surfing!:) sounds like fun. I'm glad you have been able to do something fun for you. Hmmm getting roped into supervisng the kids That's what you do 24/7 You'll just move it to another location. try to get us some pics of surfing and the kids at camp. also was impressed that you posted at 7:24 in the a.m. :)

ritaleelovesyou said...

That is going to be an interesting 5 days for you. Tuesday-Friday night was an interesting time for me. But I loved it and had lots of fun, despite the random things that happened. You'll enjoy it in the long run!
That is cool that you're doing the surfing lessons. I did not realize that.

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

I hope you don't have to sing for all the people at the camp like Rita had to do. ;)

saham said...
