The last couple days it has been raining. It only rains about 4 days a year but when it does so it all comes about 4 days in a row. My roof is leaking where they put the air vents in, so I've had fun toweling up all the water that didn't make it to the buckets. Some ladies from the community came over last at at about 10:00 asking for plastic sheets to put on their roofs. We had a roll of plastic in the tool shed so we let them have that.
I've been surfing a lot lately, perhaps a little too much. I suddenly started breaking out in rashes in various parts of my body so taking a combination of Antibiotics, Cortizal pill and some special cream I have managed to get them under control. But in the mean time that means I gotta take it easy on the surfing. I haven't been for 3 days now and I'm anxious to get back out.
On kid news, Nelson who has been here for 3 years got adopted this week. His parents came from Italy. I talked with the parents as much as I could, Italian is similar to Spanish but not quite. I talked to the official from the agency a lot more though. I found out a lot of interesting stuff. For example the average wait time after all the papers are cleared from both countries is 8 months. Peruvians have priority over foreigners, for example if there is a kid up for adoption and an international couple has been waiting 6 months for a kid that fits their criteria but a Peruvian couple just finished their paper work the day before they still have priority, thus the reason for longer waits for international adoptions. Also the guy that from the Italian agency said that the reason they parents are adopting from Peru is because it is so much easier than any other country. The guys said the reason it is so hard for people in the US to adopt from Peru is because of all the US paperwork and the agencies in the US.
Last night I took Danilo out to eat pizza, he really enjoyed it but I think he was a little over stimulated. By the time we made it back to the house he started crying and was overwhelmed. I was also a little perturbed because I realized my cellphone had fallen out in the moto taxi. So I lost my cellphone and some dude is making calls on it right now, but it's a good thing that I don't have the monthly plan an only use prepay. Unfortunately now I have to go get a new cellphone and a new number.
Danilo eating some pizza
ohhh i'm so glad you took danillo out for pizza. I wish we would have done that when we were there. You ARE getting braver with him. thanks for the pics. can't wait to hear about camp.
just catching up on you! You've had a lot of interestng happen since you went back; however, you seem deal with new things OK when they come up and learning a lot, too. enjoy the pics.
So neat to hear about the adoption and the process! Keep up the good work down there!
So happy for Nelson's adoption! Danillo will remember that night forever, Kev. LOVE seeing pics and hearing from you. You are an amazing man of God!
Thanks for sharing about the rashes. Ha! I didn't know you surfed so much!
It was great to see the picture of the Italian couple with all the kids! Such a joy and cause for celebration when one of the kids can join a family!
Continue to persevere there...I was reminded this week about how Jesus was know, God with us....and that is what you are doing there that is so important...being the presence of Christ to those kids!
yeah for Nelson!! That is so exciting! I love hearing those happy stories! Danillo looked like he was having a great time! Be careful you might turn into a surfer bum. lol
Hey KG! Thanks for the surfing stories! Are you now listening to Beach Boys songs about the sun, and the beach, and the waves! Ha!Thanks for your ongoing investment in the children and people of Peru. Those children will always have a great picture of Christ because of your presence with them. I want to encourage you with Psalm 16:8..."I have set the Lord before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken."
Isaiah 40:31
hi, i was looking at random blogs and came across yours, i was wondering where in Peru you are? I went on a mission trip to Trujillo in January and absolutely fell in love with the country and cant wait to go back, there is an orphanage in Trujillo i was looking at but i hear it doesn't need volunteers until 2012. Anyways I would greatly appreciate any information you could give me, my email address is (but my email for some reason eats all emails from unknown addresses) so facebook is more reliable my name is Olivia Holifield (pretty sure im the only one) Thanks so much for your work in Peru
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