Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Some Fun Stuff

The last week has been a little busy for me and I enjoyed that. Las Thursday there was a medical mission team that was giving a free clinical in Chenpen that we decided to take advantage of. We heard about it through pastor Tito whom helped organize the team. So Thursday morning I loaded up half of the kids in the van and we traveled to Chenpen. They gave check-ups to everyone of the kids and prescribed medicine if needed. They even pulled some teeth. Friday I took the rest of the kids, mainly the older ones...and Danilo. Danilo actually behaved very well, until getting back to the house. I guess he saved up all his energy for the whole afternoon and then let it out in about 20 mins. Somewhere in those 20 minutes he pee'd on another kid from the top of the slide.

Saturday I went surfing in the morning and Steve took the kids to soccer practice. However the soccer practice was cancelled he brought them to the beach to watch me surf and play in the ocean for a bit, it was a little cold for them. Unfortunately the waves weren't good so I didn't get to put on a surf demo for the kids.

Monday was a big March day. The kids had been practicing last week for the Flag Day ceremony. That was my third year in a row attending that, thinking about that kind of blew my mind. After the March we took a couple of pictures the kids needed for Father's day. Below are a couple of the Father's day pictures the kids are going to use for their school project.

Just bought my plane ticket from Trujillo to Lima, so now all my traveling preperations are finished (besides getting from Pacasmayo to Trujillo), and I'm already starting to get that bittersweet feeling with exactly 3 weeks left to go here.

Pulling Teeth

Father's day Pictures


mom said...

sorry just had to crack up when I read that Danillo peed from the top of the slide! hilarious to someone who isn't in charge. :) the pictures are so good. I just don't know who that guy is with the long hair. glad to hear you are flying from T to L. I'ts totally worth it. loved reading about what's going on. I know it's going to be a hard 3 weeks. for everyone.

Johnsons said...

I laughed out loud too about Danillo! Funny if you're not the one having to clean it up! Such sweet pictures of you with the kids! Glad to hear you're flying and not taking the bus! You have poured so much into so many lives there and planted so seeds! I know it's going to be hard to leave but be confident that God has done GREAT things through you!

The Bailes said...

Are those curls in your hair?! We can't wait to see you! We are praying for you these last days so that you can leave feeling a peace about starting a new chapter.

Jackie Davis said...

I so enjoy reading your posts. You are in our prayers as you prepare for this transition.
The pictures with the kids are great. I say, keep the curls!