Sunday, February 21, 2010


I just got back from a week long camp this Friday. It was a nice change of scenery for me because it was in the middle of a forest and it was quite a bit cooler than here in Pacasmayo. The camp was built about 40 years ago by an American church but now it is completely ran by Peruvians and they do a really good job. The kids all loved it and behaved really well. I just sat back, relaxed and listened to my ipod all week making sure none of our kids ran away or hurt themselves. It was a pretty easy job because we only had 6 kids in this age group which was 12-16. It was 4 older boys and 2 girls.

Throughout the week the schedule was wake up at 7:00, church gathering at 7:30, breakfast 8:00, group bible studies from 9:30 - 1:00, lunch, fun activites, dinner, more fun activities, sleep at 10:30. Of course there were breaks and small group times scattered throughout the day. One of the activities we did was climb a freaking mountain. That was pretty intense. If you have ever been to Peru and see those gigantic hills/mini mountains then that is what we climbed, except this one was more grass and rocks and sandy. I was really exhausted after that activity, then the next day we walked to the nearest pool. They told me that the pool was close, I guess that my concept of close is a little different from theirs because I don't consider a 5k walk close. My legs were already sore from the mountain climb the day before so they were jello after the pool walk. I was just surprised all the kids handled all the walking so well.

Other activities included skits and dramas. All the kids got really into those and actually did put on some really nice presentations. There was also a bonfire and all the teams had to create costumes to show off for everyone else. My favorite was a kid who's team dressed him up like cupid.

The pool

Yhonson on top of the mountain

Climbing the mountain

Playing some outdoor games

General assembly hall of the camp


Bob and Margaret Sachse said...

Those mountains do look pretty big! A break from a usual job is good even though it causes tired limbs. Guess the real thing is that the kids had a break, too.
Luv you.

Armstrong's said...

Sounds like a great week- thanks for sharing the pictures!

mom said...

the kids can handle that because they're young! uh oh what does that say about you! It does look like a great time for the kids to get away and out of the orphanage and you too!as always, i love seeing the pics.

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

1. mountain climbing in Peru is intense! Now you can definetly handle any mountain here in the states! lol 2. Thanks for the pictures! 3. That camp looks really nice! I'm glad you got a break from things at the orphanage! It looks like all the kids were having fun! That group hike up the mountain was cracking me up! Looks like you all are playing follow the leader. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey KG! The real thing everyone wants to know about camp is...did you pull any classic camp pranks on the students? Glad to hear that you had a time to rest and renew and laugh. In our still moments is when God's will is most clear to us. As the old southern saying goes, "Left undisturbed, muddy water will eventually become clear."

Isaiah 40:31

Jimmy Armstrong said...

bible studies from 9:30 - 1:00 for 12-16 year olds. Wow - 3+ hours of bible did that go over?

Sounds like fun - time to get in shape Mr Flabby:)


Jimmy Armstrong said...
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Johnsons said...

It looks like the camp was really pretty, the hike did look intense I'm surprised the kids didn't complain too much. I thought you'd be in great shape from all the surfing! haha

Anonymous said...

I love seeing the pictures. Thanks for posting.
Jackie D

The Thurn Family said...

Hey Kev! Camp looks/sounds like a great time! What a cool experience. I know a little bit about climbing one REALLY BIG mountain in Peru! One that left Larry and I panting and your mom and dad leaving us in the dust! Real nice! :)
How are the hair clippers holding up?
Soak up all God's still got to show ya!
Thanks for your fine example of being a true servant:)