Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Trujillo adventure.....And the work begins today.

Well, Trujillo was a long day. We left at 6:00 am and got back at 8:30 PM. It was my first time to drive that far here in Peru, and drive in the crazy traffic in Trujillo. I know that I was no where near as relaxed as my dad was when he made the trip there and Maribel and Mari Ester can attest to that. I told them no singing or yelling while we were in Trujillo so that I could concentrate.

3 girls had to go to the doctors, so we dropped them off there and took 2 others to the dentist. After that we went and picked up some engineering plans that we had to have for some inspections to get certified. We then went to a market where I was able to buy my huge carpet and bathroom that I put them down I could really use another 2 or 3 mats for the bathroom, they weren't as big as I thought. We then went to a window shop where we bought some plexi glass 26 windows. I knew we were in for a long wait when after an hour and a half they had cut 5. We decided to come back another day for the 8 we didn't get.

The drive home was the adventerous part. It was late and very dark and there are no lights out in the middle of nowhere. Between 2 cities Trujillo and Paijan, I hit a big pile of wood and metal that was in the middle of the road. At first I thought I had blow the tires but they weren't. I was getting ready to pull over out in the middle of nowhere to check out what the heck I was dragging behind the car. I thought it was our bumper or muffler in the back. But as I started slowing down Maribel and Mari Ester told me not to. I found out that people put that stuff there as a trap. And when people run over it and pop a tire then pull over to fix it, they come up and rob them. I then had my eyes open for more of these traps and dodged another 2 before we got to the next city with a gas station. At the gas station I jumped out of the car to see what it was we were dragging and it was the spare tire holder. Whatever I had run over had knocked the spare tire holder out of place. All I had to do was pop it back into position and all was good. No damage to the car or anything. I really don't want to drive back from Trujillo in the dark again.

So today I had planned on finally cleaning my house... and I still plan too. It's only 1:00 right now, so there might be a chance. After I swept and mopped about 1/5th of my house I got a phone call and they needed to talk to me over in the school office. So.... while I was over there I had an impromptu meeting with our lawyer about a legal case we have going on right now, found out that the guards/janitors aren't showing up at night, that someone is trying to build a house on our property, we needed more ink for a printer that you can only get from the states, and that we need more tools over at the school.

I decided I really need a big schedualer/note taking book.

Sorry that this post lacked pictures and details, but I gotta get going.


Johnsons said...

Wow, I don't want you driving back in the dark either! Glad you guys made it back safely! Can't wait to see pictures of your house when you have it all fixed up!

mom said...

wow. i thought you had driven last summer but i guess you were riding with. an adventure a day! buena idea about not driving back in the dark!

Pat said...

Sounds like a full day!

Kevin Guier said...

Ya... I was pooped after that.

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

Man sounds like there is never a boring day there! Good thing you didn't get out of the car. Yeah sounds like not driving back in the dark is a good idea.

The Bailes said...

Ahhh...that trap story scared me...stay away from booby traps :( I am praying for your safety and organizational skills so you can attack these issues one at a time and not get overwhelmed!