Well, I leave tomorrow at 6:45 AM from the airport. I got the cheapest one way ticket I could find, it was around $620, I recommend using www.farecast.com it's a really great place to get cheap tickets. I think that I've got pretty much everything I need, two suitcases already packed full, and I think a couple pounds overweight. I won't arrive in Lima until 10:50 PM, where I'll be meeting another volunteer who is going to stay for the summer and teach English in the school. The next morning I'll start nice and early again, I have a meeting across Lima at 8:00 am to start my residency paperwork. After that I'm heading over to MIMDES (who is the Peruvian version of Division of Family Services) where I'll talk to them about what steps that we can do to speed up foreign adoptions through our organization, so getting straight to work, haha.
As far as this blog goes, I hope that you will continue to keep up with my journey. I would also like to add that I encourage you to leave comments or questions about anything you want. I will try and respond to all the ones that need to be responded to either just by posting back here, or through e-mail if you would like. I will also be posting an HTML spread sheet that you will be able to find in the links section to the right, in that spreadsheet I plan to document all of my expenses. I am doing this because I have had some very kind people that felt that God was calling them to support me even though I was not actively seeking support (for right now anyway). I feel that this expense sheet is something that will hold me accountable to be a good steward of God's money.
Some ways to get a hold of me.
Email: kevin.guier@gmail.com
skype: kevinguier
Address to send mail to.
Kevin Guier
Las Palmeras MZ "O" Lote 15
Pacasmayo, La Libertad, Peru
Once I get a structured schedule I will post times that work the best for skype chats. Feel free to try and give me a ring anytime you see me on it.
I'll be adding a Peruvian telephone number as soon as I buy a cell phone down there(if you feel the need to contact me immediately).
Wow, you are going straight to work! We are praying that you have a safe travel the next couple of days! We already miss you and look forward to skyping soon! Love you!
Buen viaje! Praying for you!
Jimmy and Emily (and Samuelito)
The Williams family will keep you in our prayers. We look forward to keeping up with you through your blog!
Amie, Jeremy and Luke
wow i didn't realize that you posted already. I think the armstrongs said good travels?
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