Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Getting Better

Well the last couple days are have been a little better. I got news that after Maribel and I left the courthouse that the parents of Luber showed back up and the judge got a statement from both of the kids stating that they wanted to go back to their family. I feel a little bit better about it, but I know that they will just be back on the street in no time living with their 15 year old uncle again... but at least they'll be happy I guess. They also know that they can always return to live with us if they want a bed and some food.

Today was another hard business day though. We have to make some cuts in the expenditures because after I showed Avis exactly what they spent the last couple of months she realized there was no way that she could continue for much longer paying that much money. So the first thing I have been doing is making cuts in the salaries. I felt that there is a lot of extra people that are getting paid or people that are getting paid too much. So I had a couple of tough meetings with some people today, and have a couple more tomorrow.

After all the salaries are dealt with I'll be going through and setting budgets for everything. So if you guys are wondering if I'm busy....the answer is yes. Yes indeed I am.

I'll post some more pictures and stories of kids soon hopefully. I will be able to spend a lot more time with them in the next weeks. This week has just been kind of hectic with all the trips back and forth to Trujillo and all the meetings.


debbie rothaus said...

Hey Kev,
Your having to make some hard financial decisions-I'll be praying for you.

debbie rothaus said...

That comment was not from your mom, but me. I forgot to change my display name from commenting on my kids blogs-lol

the real mom said...

yeah i was wondering who was posing as me! :) it was good to talk to you. glad you can put that college degree to use with the budgetting. or..did you learn that from us with the 3 jars. :) day to day. can't wait to see some pics of the kids when you get a chance.

Unknown said...

Just remember that you're doing what is best for the kids. Financial decisions are never easy, we'll be praying for you.
Amie and Jeremy

Anonymous said...

Kevin...Praying for you to have strength and courage to endure every task of every day. I have said for a very long time that God asks us to do the harder thing...and whoa...are you doing the harder things. Praying you have God's vision to see every situation. His plan is bigger and different than ours. He brought you to Peru..He will be faithful with the tasks he has entrusted to you...your responsibility keep your eyes FIXED on HIM!!! Praying for your heart...when we love deeply we hurt deeply...praying that God will allow you to love without crushing your spirit. You are constantly in our thoughts and we place you at the throne of grace. Ally

Sandy Stigall said...

Kevin - Wow! It's really amazing to see the good work you're doing and the difficult decisions that must be made by you. I know your heart breaks for those two boys, but think about all the other children you're helping.

I know you're birthday's coming up. I can't believed you'll be 23. Seems like just yesterday you and James were tooling around the Kansas City zoo picking up sticks and wacking anything in your way.

Take care and I'll continue to enjoy hearing about your work.