After I went around and said hello to everyone I got my keys to my room and went to work. I started with a bed that wasn't mine and a cement floor. I went into town to buy all the immediate needs first. Toilet paper and gatorade. I also got some hangers, a laundry basket, a wire rack self for my bathroom. I came back and realized I had forgot a couple things, but those had to wait until today. Right as I got unpacked the kids returned from school. I ate lunch with them and helped with the homework for awhile, then because it was Thursday, it was "Missionary night" the one night that all the gringos make sure they have cleared out on their schedual and get together for a meal cooked by alternating gringos. It was the english teachers Jane and Sherry's turn to have it. They fixed fried chicken and mashed patatos and gravy... I really don't know how they made it taste so good with whats available to cook with here in Peru. After dinner we usually play games, but they wanted to change it up and watch a movie. They picked P.S. I love you. So... its me and Pastor Auden and 6 ladies watching this movie...can't say that me and auden were fans.
Today I was able to go buy a bed and a cell phone. I bought the bed from the same guy I bought the bikes from over the christmas break. Once again he delivered the goods himself straight to my door, then set up the bed frame and mattress for me. I was also able to get my internet hooked up today, it was a more complicated process than it really needed to be... but I have it now so I can't complain. I also bought a leash and a choke chain for the guard dog Sparky. I'm going Ceasar Milan on him and starting to teach him how to behave.
On a more serious note, one of the kids returned to his parents today. His name is Kael and he is 8 years old. I just met him yesterday because he had only been in the orphanage for 4 weeks. He came to the orphanage because it was reported to authorities that he was being forced to work in the trash dump in trujillo from 10:00pm to 6:00 am, collecting bottles and other stuff that could be sold. His parents however were VERY vigilant in getting him back and had all the documents that were prepared by the judge,he was also very excited and happy when they came today to pick him up. So we are all praying that all goes well for him in the future.
We then had a church revival service tonight from 7:00 - 9:00 lots of singing and praying, it was great and there were more people there than had been in the past. This weekend Pastor Auden invited 3 different bands to come play in the church throughout the weekend.
Tomorrow I'm going to the "Paseo" (still haven't really figured out what that one means yet) with all the kids that recieved good grades for this past term. Supposedly at this Paseo there is swimming, games, food, rides etc... so it kind of sounds like a carnival. I'll make sure I take pictures and let you all know how it goes.
sounds like you're ready to go. You've got a bed and internet. What else do you need! :) Give he kids big hugs from me.
Kev~Sounds like you're off to a great start. I am imagining the kids faces when they caught sight of your return!! Dakota (and the team) are on their way there (to Peru) as we speak.
Can't wait to keep up on your Peru Journey via this blog. Certainly filled with tons of stories of God's obvious activity. Gotta love it!
Crack me up- P.S. I Love you- that is one of the biggest chick flicks around. Can't wait to see pictures of the carnival thing. Sounds exciting!
Glad you made it safe buddy. My family will be praying for you and the journey ahead of you.
I am so impressed that you watched the whole PS I Love You Movie... that had to be painful- I like chick flicks and that one was even slow for me! Love the updates- we're praying for you!
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