Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy Father's day...?

Well today was the day that the school put on the father's day celebration. The kids had been building it up for me for the last week, making sure I was going to be there at 3:00 pm. I couldn't make it until 4:00. I didn't have a choice.

We got a call around 1:15 today saying that the fathers of the 2 new boys were coming to pick them up. Wilson couldn't even remember the name of his father 2 days ago, and Luber didn't want to have any part in leaving. Thankfully there's a law that says the kids don't have to go with someone they don't want to go with. However, the fathers still had the right to see their kids and speak with them. The kids didn't even want to see their parents, but we had to let the fathers see them. So I stayed in the room with the two boys as Maribel let one father come in at a time. First came Luber's dad, and as soon as he walked in the room Luber just curled up into a ball in his seat and hid his head under his arms. His dad begged and begged him to go. Telling him that his mother was worried, and that his grandma was sick and dying. (These are the same relatives that he escaped from to go to trujillo). After about 2 mins of pleading Maribel and I told him he had to leave. Then came Wilson's dad, who Wilson said he ran away from because he beat him. As soon as he walked in the room Wilson did the same thing as Luber, burried his head in wouldn't even look up. Wilson's father didn't even start talking to him, instead he started talking to Luber begging Luber to go until I interuppted and said... "You can talk to you're kid, not Luber" Then he just kind of said, "Eh come on Wilson lets go now." Wilson didn't move and still wouldn't even look at him. So then we made him leave the room. Then Maribel came in and said.."We need proof that the kids didn't want to go." So, we had to let both parents in again while I video taped them begging their kids to leave. It was so hard to watch. Luber's dad even broke out into an extremely fake cry and we said.."ok you're done." and made him leave.

As soon as the father's left the boys looked up and started smiling. And then they told me "Our dad's lie to us, they say they will treat us good now, but when we get back home we know what will happen." So monday we have to bring them to the Judge and show him the film and the Judge will talk to the boys and decide if they will stay with us or go with their parents, and if they stay with us how long they will stay with us until they reopen the case.

So, after that was over I took them over to the school for the Father's day celebration...ironic..I know. I was about an hour late, but that was kind of ok because it lasted for another 2.5. These little school celebrations have a tendancy to take forever. During the celebration they had a video montage with all the kids video taped saying things like,"I love you dad" then showing a photo of them and their dad up on the screen. I was up on that screen about 10 times. All the other parents were probably wondering who the heck is that dude.

After the Father's day celebration I took some kids out to go eat. Some different one's than the week before. So it was the twins, Carlos, and the two new kids Luber and Wislon. We went to the Estacion to eat. They all wanted Cebiche so it was kind of expensive. It ended up costing 30 bucks total for the 5 kids, Rita and I to eat. So it wasn't too bad. I realized though on that trip that I'm going to have my hands full with Wilson. He's always testing me to see if he could 'escape'. Pretending like he's going to dash off, or hiding behind corners. Also halfway to the resturant he stopped at a wall and just took a pee right there in the street. Then I discovered on our moto ride back that he stole a knife from the Estacion. He's definitely a kid from the street. His cousin Luber is much more laid back and refined so I hope that might help Wilson come around. Meanwhile all the other kids are starting to get angry with me because I've been spending too much time with the two new kids.

After the Judge verdict I will post some pictures. But it wouldn't be wise for me to do anything like that right now.

Tomorrow Avis and crew get back. So I'll pick them up in the morning. It will be a busy day. I will be helping them all move in and get situated. Then I told the kids I would help them fix the bikes, then I told them that they could play some video games.


mom said...

it's just hard to imagine. don't forget to keep a journal to keep an account of all the details you don't have time to post. like richard always says WOW!

Johnsons said...

I can't believe what those young kids are already having to deal with. I think staying at the orphanage and being around you and the others there will be a positive experience for them.

The Thurn Family said...

I am so amazed and encouraged each time I read another one of your entries. I told your mom at church today that I can only hope and pray that there is someone like you, that gives completely of themselves, where ever "little sister" is.
Keep up the "God" work Kevin!
:) Laci

Jimmy Armstrong said...

Very cool Kevin. I am a little confused why a school would have a Father's day celebration where most of their kids came from an Orphanage...but there are still a good amount of other kids from the community right? I need to look at the Go Ye website to understand that.

Maybe you can have a TV show similar to Jon & Kate plus 8...

Anonymous said...

Hey KG! Thanks for modeling true relgion as it is described in James 1:27. I have to believe that God smiles ear to ear when He looks at your obedience. Thanks for laying out your life for the people in Peru. You are an inspiration to countless people here.

On a side note, have you introduced the kids to the game of tennis?

May you enjoy the blessings and wonders of God today!

Isaiah 40:31

Ryan and Jill said...

Hey Kevin its cousin Jill I have been reading your blog and I will be praying for you, its so cool to see what you are doing! you can look at our family too on our blog.