Monday, June 22, 2009

This job hurts

I had a bad day. I woke up at 5:30 to take the 2 new kids to see the judge for his decision on their case. That part I didn't mind, it actually was probably the highlight of my day if I had to think of one. When we got to the judges office there were 12 family members outside waiting. About 7 for Luber and 5 for wilson. The kids pretty much froze when they saw their dads there. We walked inside the office while the family members waited outside. First the Judge talked with the kids for just a little bit, then went outside to talk with the family members.

The judge decieded that he couldn't get enough info from the kids so they were going to have us go to the psycologist. He told us to go walk down the hall to the other room. As soon as we walked out of his office the family members grabbed their kids and made a run for it. At this point I wasn't really sure if I could do anything physically to try and get the kids back so I just let the staff handle it. Well, their way of handling it was to call downstairs to the security gaurds and tell them not to let anyone out. It's a good plan in theory but when there's 12 people bull rushing 2 guards it doesn't really do a lot of good. The security guards where able to get one kid, Wilson. So we brought Wilson back upstairs to the judges office. The judge was absolutely furious at the parents, but had to go to another meeting. So the judge headed off to another meeting telling us to wait in his office meanwhile the police where looking for Luber on the streets.

Wilson by now was absolutely horrified, and was in so much emotional agony it was hard for me to watch. After awhile we calmed Wilson down and he started talking to us again. Then all of a sudden he bolted for the door. Since no one else was going after him I took off and chased him down in the middle of the courthouse. When I brought him back all the secrataries and law clerks were patting me on the back and giving high fives....ya no problem I'm just doing your job. So now of course Wilson wouldn't talk to me anymore cause I just took away his last hope of freedom. And once again he was an emotional wreck. He calmed down after awhile and I went to go talk to him again. He made it clear that no matter where he went he was gonna run away. I explained to him how he already knows how hard the streets are to sleep on at night, how hungry he gets trying to survive on his own, and how he knew if he ever wanted a comfortable bed, food to eat and a safe place to live all he had to do was come with us. That little pep talk didn't help to much cause he just curled back up into a ball and went silent again.

The judge finally returned after about an hour. After yelling at the family for another 15 minutes he started to talk with Wilson. Wilson then told another story to the judge of where and who he was living with. He told his story 3 times each time changing it pretty drastically. So no one really knows what's up with him. The conversation ended with the Judge saying, well you don't want to leave with your parents so you're going back to Pacasmayo, you'll make plenty new friends there and all will be ok. Well, Wilson wasn't having that either. So he started balling again and freaking out. I told Maribel that we can't take him back with us, cause he'll run away the first chance he can get. So we explained to the Judge that no matter where Wilson goes he's going to run away, and it would probably be much better for him to run away in his hometown than to run away in a strange place where he doesn't know anyone.

So the Judge told me and Maribel just to go ahead and leave. But he told the parents that we where coming back to get Wilson shortly. The judge was still trying to hold Wilson ransom in hopes that they could bring back the other kid. So me and Maribel left and that's the last we saw of him. I'm guessing that Wilson was returned to his parents... I'll just have to find out next time I'm there. Which is hopefully a long time.

Maribel and I were pretty heartbroken and pissed. The security guards there and the system is just a joke. I now understand why there is such a problem with adoptions here. Maribel called her friend who is a journalist and told him to write a news story about how crappy the security gaurds are and how big of a mess the courthouse is.

My day didn't get any better when I got back to the house. I had a meeting with Avis about the financial state of the didn't go so well. That meeting lasted 4 hours. So now, once again I am completely exhausted and also emotionally drained.

I ate dinner with the kids and hung out with them for a little while. Now I'm just wondering if I'm crazy to voluntarily put myself through this much hurt and work.

Here's hoping tomorrow is better.


Jimmy Armstrong said...

Hang in there Kevin...

The word "perfect peace" came to my mind as I was reading this.

Isaiah 26:3-4:

3 You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. 4 Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.

Also, James 2:2-5:

2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. 5If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

mom said...

Jimmy couldn't have said it better. you will have to depend on God and his word to give you the strength to do what he's called you to do. That was tough to say the least. I've been wondering all day what was going on. I would never have dreamed that would be the story of the day. stay in the word.

Jackie Davis said...

I don't think I can improve on what has already been said, but just want you to know that we pray for you all the time. Storm shared your story with the staff at his church have you in their prayers, too.

It's hard to remember that God loves those kids even more than you do. They're in His hands.

Jackie Davis

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

"That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weakness, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." 2 Corinthians 12:10
God intends to use you for great things there! You are already making pacasmayo shine brighter for His name! God will give you what u need each day! Hang in there. God is smiling down on you as you are fighting for the ones that no one else is fighting for.

Pat and Lee Anne said...

Hey Kevin- Been following your blog. Aimee and Jimmy pointed out some great scriptures. Read the rest of James 1 that Jimmy quoted..LOTS of promises in your obedience that God will bless you may not feel/see it now but there is NO doubt that you will be blessed. Hang in there man. Pat

Anonymous said...

Hey Kevin! Sorry to hear about your trials and challenges of ministry. Please be encouraged that God promises to be present with you (Psalm 23) and be encouraged by Galatians 6:9..."Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." My prayer is that God will let you see fruit of your obedience to Him today.

Isaiah 40:31

ritaleelovesyou said...

What you are doing here in Peru is amazing. It is a hard selfless act that you have willingly taken up in obedience to God and He sees that and He will honor you.
There will be tough times ahead but at least we have Christ to rest in, and we have the assurance of His promise because He will never leave, nor forsake His children!
You are a strong man and I am blessed to be a part of this ministry! The kids love you and you make so much of a difference, you have no idea!
Keep on keeping on, God is a faithful God!