I'll give them to you in that order,
The good- We successfully ordered the desks. We went to 2 places and called another 1 before ordering. They have no idea what a typical american school desk looks like, so I had to pull a picture up on the internet for them. After a lot of discusison and price negotiation the first place wanted to sell us 100 desks for $5,000 dollars. We decided to look around, thats when we found the second place. We caught the owners just as they were leaving to lunch. We ended up getting the exact same desks as from the other place but for $4,000 dollars. Quite a significant price cut. She now has enough desks for each kid and a couple extra to grow. This was a great accomplishment because nothing ever gets settled in one day here in Peru. It might of helped that I was there to translate and haggle the vendors. haha.
The Bad - Avis wants to move the orphanage over to the other compound and the school over in where the current orphanage is. This is a great idea, and needs to be done, so that there is more room for more orphans. However, we found out that all the paper work and inspections and all that Jazz is gonna cost $4,000 aye aye aye. Right now the orphanage is at capacity with 39 kids. But if they moved it all over to the other building theres room for 90 right now, and much much more room for more kids in the future (after we build some more).
The ugly - Well, you saw my pictures the other day of the squid in the market that I said I ate... well I guess I got a little to confident in my Peruvian food eating skills, cause I have been emptying the contents of my stomach into toilets by various methods all last night and pretty much all today. I don't think you want any more information on that. Also, I had a war with a mouse that was living in my dresser this morning, in the midst of all my stomach problems. I called in Princessa (the rat killing cocker spanel) for the assist. Dad also helped, with the three of us we got it done.
I've noticed a lot of you posting comments asking for prayer requests, so here they go.
- That the government in Peru would be more willing to help their orphans
- That the institutions here would not charge ridiculous prices and make us jump through hoops to accomplish things for the betterment of the people
- That we come to the right decision for moving the school/orphanage
- That God will provide what the ministry needs
- Health - for my stomach, back(from lifting so many kids all day) and for everyone else here in Peru.
Well that's all I really can write at the moment, I'll try and get some more pictures up tomorrow. Thanks for all your prayers and support.