On Thursday I moved in to the new place like was planned. I got there and immediately was in the middle of a couple meetings that they have every end of the month. The meetings were great and caught me up on a lot of what is currently going on around here and introduced me to all the staff.
After the meetings I found out one of the things they needed done was cutting the hair of all the boys. There quite a few more here, 21, so Alex, the operation guy who is also the one who gives the haircuts, was excited to hear that I had experience. So on my first day here I was already cutting hair..haha. That kind of got me off on the wrong foot with a lot of the kids because they all had really long hair and weren't too thrilled about having it all cut off. However by today they are not harboring any more bad feelings about it.
Other than ticking off the older boys I've spent the last couple of days getting to know all the kids and settling into my room. Last night I went out for chicken with the volunteers that are here and while I was out I bought a fan and a power strip for my room, so I was able to sleep comfortably.
There were also a couple of going away parties for some of the volunteers that left yesterday and today. I have taken a few pictures, but I'll start taking some more and getting them posted.
I have set up my schedule so that it will allow me to go back to Pacasmayo on the weekends where I plan to be a house parent Friday and Saturday nights. Even though I already know I will see them on the weekends (except for this one) and I know that I am very close I still am missing them very much.
wow 21 boys. wonder if you cut all 21? I thought they'd be over it. I'm sure the kids are missing you too. And before you know it... the kids at Hogar are going to miss you when you're gone on the weekends! Very impressive to hear that there were meetings too. Sounds great. Praying for you always.
Hey Kevin :)
Glad to know you just got thrown into the routine of things and on your feet! Looking forward to seeing pictures! God is with you every step of the way!
I am so glad you can still be involved with Casa de Paz and I know the kids will love seeing you on the weekends. It is true what your mom said, soon the kids at Hogar are going to be missing you when you leave on the weekends!
Prayers are with you!
SO glad you're getting settled in, you will love these kiddos just as much, Kev! Do you have a new skype schedule?! Sophie is already wanting to talk again.
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