Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So not sure if you are aware of this or not, but every February Peru has a little custom called Carnivales.  Now this isnt the dancing in the street throwing beads type of Carnivales, its a little different.  Their version of Carnivales is throwing water on everyone, any time, any place.  For example last year I was walking down the street and a couple of little girls threw water balloons at me, and a house tried to hit me with a bucket of water from the second story. This year some girls tried to run up and soak me and Sam while we were walking into town to buy groceries but Sam yelled at them and scared them pretty bad, but it was good because we didnt get wet.

So, here are a few pictures of our carnivales at the orphanage.

I will post the answers to the question "What super power would you pick and why?" in a couple days.  The answers are really good.


ritaleelovesyou said...

Ohhh I remember that last year! And looks like they are having SO much fun! Wow, Yhonson looks like he is growing taller! These pictures came out really great!
Looking forward to the answer to the question.

Johnsons said...

Looks like so much fun! Great pictures!

AiMeE jOnEs ;) said...

Aw it looks like they are all having a blast! I never knew they did that. That is so weird! Wonder how that got started. Great pictures!