Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Getting Busy

Well I've been pretty busy as of late.  Monday my day started off with going to the big market early in the morning with the pick up truck.  I helped buy food for all the kids that would last about 6 days that amount of food pretty much filled the entire back of a pick up truck because there are more kids here, 40 in total, and also more volunteers.  Right now there's only 4 volunteers but we just had 5 leave and have more coming very soon.  After the market we came back and I took the annual "Thank you" card for Hogar de Esperanza, I'll post that at the bottom. After that I ate lunch with the kids, then headed out into Trujillo in the van to pick up some donations of school supplies for the kids.  The orphanage here has done a really good job of PR in the Trujillo area so they have had a lot of success with people donating things that they need.  We went to various churches and dentists and doctors where they had left donation boxes and we picked them up.  I got back to the orphanage at 7:00 and ate dinner and crashed.

I found out that my usual schedule starting next week when school begins that I'm going to start my day by driving 5 of the kids to a special school across Trujillo.  They have class from 8:00 to 1:00, and I will be responsible for bringing them and picking them up.

Yesterday after dinner I went and played cards in one of the boys houses and we had a lot of fun.  It was really my first chance to do that because I had been going into town a couple nights with the other volunteers to eat, or had just been wiped out (like today).  I am starting to get all the names down finally, and keep wondering what is the brains limit for remembering names.

Close up so you can see their faces

whats going to go on the card


ritaleelovesyou said...

Exciting things for you Kevin!!!! Love the picture! It is cool to see the faces up close! Thanks for sharing! Keep on doing what you are doing!!!!!!

Johnsons said...

Sounds like you're becoming a natural "soccer dad" running kids all around! Sound like things are organized on there's a good routine going on, which is good for the kids and the volunteers! I know they love to have you!

Aunt Judy said...

Enjoy reading your blog...what you are doing is touching so many, many lives...bless you, Kevin. Keep up the good work for Christ. Love you.

Armstrong's said...

Love the updates and the pictures. That is a lot of names to learn- and I think learning Spanish names is even harder at first! Thanks for continuing to share your adventures with us :)

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy reading your posts ~ Sounds like you are settling in very well. We keep you in our prayers!
Jackie Davis

Bob and Margaret Sachse said...

Gosh Kevin, when all these kids love you as much as at the other location you will swamped with arms around you! I like the little one in green in the front row - especially in the second pic. where he is "hiding" among the bigger kids. God Bless.

The Bailes said...

What a sweet pic, soooo many children! You are awesome for knowing all of their names! I bet God is increasing your brain capacity just for those kiddos.

Jay said...

Que Pasa Amigo..hope things are going well for you. Get some rest if possible. Remember Isaiah 40:31