Saturday, February 19, 2011

Answers to the Question

The question was if you could pick a super power what would it be and why.

I would be Ben 10 so I could convert into the man of fire.  (This is after he wrote a page about 10 different abilities that he would like to have and I told him he had to pick one)

I would have the power to fly and be super strong so I could be in charge of the world and save people, I would also be able to clean my room really fast.

I would like to power to fly so I could get from one country to the other really fast.  I would also like to be super strong for what ever reason or to fight a lion.

I would want to fly so I could save people and earn their respect and love.  Then I would continue to keep getting stronger and earning more powers until I became invincible. 
I would like the power to run really fast. So I could get from one place to the other and if a car is about to run over someone I would save them.


Aunt Carol said...

Great answers! I wish I could be super fast when I clean too.

ritaleelovesyou said...

They are all so precious. Thanks for sharing the answers and the pictures. Who is the second kid? Is he new?

The Bailes said...

Thanks for the answers! It was so good to "see" you on Saturday!

Jimmy Armstrong said...

Very cute....nice work

Johnsons said...

Very creative! I used to wish I could snap like Mary Poppins and the house would become clean!

Jennifer Sachse said...

Great answers! Speed seems to be the theme for all of them!