I've been doing some writing exercises with the older boys and I've run out of ideas so I need your help. Lately I've been asking the boys a question and then making them write an answer down in the workbook I got for them. Questions like "What do you want for your future?" and "What are the qualities of a good father/husband?". Questions that make them think a little bit.
So if you guys want in on the actions post a question you want me to ask them in the comments. I'll pick a couple that I think they would respond to well and then write you guys back their answers. Simple as that. I'll take a couple of photos of them writing as well and post it.
How old are they? How about something like if they could make an invention what would it be? Or if they could have a super power what would it be and why? Aunt Jenni
great questions from Aunt Jenni. Hmm have you asked them the old standard, if you were on an island what 3 things would you take and why?
What what your best day ever and why?(or most fun experience) I wonder if any of them would pick campin at Gina's :)
How about, if you were given three wishes, what would you ask for and why? If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose and why?
1. If you could travel anywhere, where would you want to go and why?
2. If you could meet anyone in the world, who would you want to meet?
3. Who is your favorite Bible character and why?
4. Who is your role model? Why?
5. What is the best gift someone has given you? Why?
You do not have to use them all, just wanted to give you a variety :)
1. What is one of the best days in your life that you will never forget?
2. What is your best day in the last month? How do you repeat that?
3. What are you good at? How can you improve?
4. What modivates you?
5. What is something you are thankful that you have never talked about?
6. What do you dream for your future?
7. What makes you feel most alive/heart beat faster?
8. What does Jesus mean to you?
9. What are you doing with your life that will last forever?
10. Who has influenced you the most and why?
This is a little different than asking questions to have them write, but it might be fun to have them put together dream boards or vision boards where they cut pictures out of magazine or newspapers of "things" they want. The things don't have to be a sports car. It could be pictures that represent what they want their life to look like. Just a thought.
Otherwise, with regard to questions you could ask them, I think everyone had good questions.
Which color represents you the best?
What do you think God's purpose is for your life?
Why do you think it's important to study in school?
If you could have anything delivered to your door every morning what would it be and why?
Everyone has soooo many great questions!
You should get one of those "if" question books! I LOVE those things.
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