Sorry I haven't written earlier this week. I've been a little stressed out and haven't really been feeling like writing much. I started off the week finding out that Luis, a kid who was sent to another orphanage in Cajamarca, died from a heart attack. He had muscular dystrophy and was bound to a wheel chair, he was one of the kids that I took to school each morning for over two months. He loved it when I would spend time with him because I would take him out of his wheelchair and let him lay in the grass and throw rocks, most everyone else was afraid to or not physically able to pick him up and let him roll around on the ground.
Another thing that was stressing me out was the trip to go get Yhonsons birth certificate. Its a long trip, three days there and three days back. One of those days are spent on a mule. First the idea was that Gina and Carlos Augusto would go because Carlos knows the way, however it was decided that it wouldn't be proper because Carlos was married. So then it was Gina and some other lady that went. They didn't even make it to Trujillo before their bus was held up at gun point and everyone was robbed. Luckily Gina had hid 750 soles in her bra so that wasn't taken, however a digital camera and 250 soles was. So they returned to Pacasmayo to go get more money and they left again Tuesday night. This time it was Gina and Avis that went. I am worried for Avis because she is older and the traveling isn't exactly safe. However I called them last night and they are doing well, and someone offered to make the last leg of the journey on mule for them to recover the birth certificates so Avis didn't have to go on Mule.
Luis eating cake on his birthday |
Luis always smiling. |
I heard about the mule - that is unbelievable...and I thought Guatemala was tough, Emily could at least go by car to get Samuel's birth certificate.
Sorry to hear about your though week.
We discussed Psalm 73 last week in lifegroup and God allowing His people to suffer....I really liked this (NASB version...I pulled out verse 26 & 28):
My flesh and my heart may fail,But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever....But as for me, the nearness of God is my good; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, That I may tell of all Your works...
Kevin, keep up the good work. Sometimes it is hard for us to see the big picture/plan God is working. As you work through this rough week, I will be praying for you to have wisdom to use these trials for the good of the Kingdom.
Tu estas haciendo una linda labor con los chicos del orfanato. Me sorprendo por cada cosa que escribes, estoy segura que ellos son felices porque te tienen a su lado. Y hay algo que siempre lo comento con otras personas, que tengo un amigo que viene de lejos para trabajar con un grupo de niños de Perú, es algo que lo digo porque me parece que seria bueno que mas personas haga eso por los niños. Saludos.
I am so sorry for the loss of Luis....he is in a fantastic place!!!! You were obviously a blessing to him in huge ways...just like you are to every single person I've read about here!!!
Hey Kev, I'm so sorry to hear this heavy news. You are such a light to these kids and I'm so glad you got to pour light into Luis. I'll be praying for you and for those traveling this week! Love you!
wow, I didn't know about the mule part. I remember seeing Luis when we visited hogar with you. that's so sad but I am so glad that you took the time to give him some happiness.
I will pray for the safe return of Gina, Avis, and the birth certificate. I love the scripture Jimmy gave you.
Oh my gosh Kevin. My heart is breaking along with yours. Know that God knows the condition of your heart and also the SIZE of it and He is standing right beside you. So very proud of you and the work you do in his name. Keep your eyes fixed on Him! None of this comes as any surprise to Him. Trust with all your heart and he will make your path straight.
Love, Laci
Oh my...what a week for you. We are so very sorry for your heavy heart. Please know that you and "your kids" and needs are in our thoughts and prayers.
Bill and Kyle
Kevin, you made so many of Luis' days brighter by hanging out with him and giving him value.
Pat and I have leaned on Isaiah 55:8,9 alot: "for as high as the heavens are from the earth, so are my ways higher that your ways," declares the Lord.
Picture Luis free from his wheelchair and playing soccer in heaven!! You're doing great work.
Kevin, I know its been a hard week. In Proverbs 3: 5 and 6 it says Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight. This verse has help me so many times. I'll be praying for you.
love, Dad
Hey, I was sent your blog in an email from our small group and I've loved reading every word. So sorry about all that had happened. I had no idea thats what you were doing in peru. the kids look so cute! Keep up, your hard work will pay off. thanks for sharing your stories!
Kev, we love you and are grieving with you. What an incredible love you got to share with Luis. Your heart is heavy, God knows that and is grieving with you for your loss. We're praying for you every day. Sophie sees your picture, and says, "let's pray for Kevin right now" and we do. I wonder how many times your friends and family are lifting you up before our Father at the exact time you need it. Love you.
Hey Kevin,
I am sorry about the death of Luis. Death is so sad and hard. Those are beautiful pictures of him.
I heard about the trip to get Yhonsons birth certificate. I hope that Gina and Avis were successful?
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