Friday, April 29, 2011

Chess match

So I completely forgot that the older boys and two of the older girls had a Chess tournament last weekend.  I went and cheered them on, although silence is pretty much demanded at chess matches so it was more like high fives and chest bumps afterwards.  No yelling "YA TAKE THAT ROOK" or anything like that.  Although I might have had a lot of fun if that kind of stuff was allowed.

Gerson made it the farthest.  He was in the playoffs for third place.  Overall there were 20 kids there, most of them had a lot more experience than our kids, but our chess teacher at the school is doing a pretty good job training them and they are getting better.

Gerson in his playoff round.

Joel thinking about his next move

Marciello and Sintia

Nelson going for the kill

Waiting for their challengers


mom said...

awesome! didn't realize they taught chess. love the pics!

Jimmy Armstrong said...

Very cool. Have you shown them the movie "Searching for Bobby Fischer"? Can you get kicked out of a chess match?

Anonymous said...

Hey KG! Was there any ESPN on the espanol channel? Can the kids beat you in chess? May you be encouraged by Numbers 6:24-26...and may you know that you are blessing and may God shine his divine approval on all that you do.

Isaiah 40:31

Anonymous said...

In my earlier message, I meant to ask if there was any ESPN coverage of the chess match. My typing does not keep up with my brain :)

isaiah 40:31

Anonymous said...

I keep trying to send comments but they just don't appear...I will try again. I want you to know that you are such an inspiration with your demeanor and intentionality with those around you. I feel like I am right there when I read your blog. I want to encourage you to continue loving those children and doing what God has called you to do

Anonymous said...

It went through...YEAH! Anyway, know that we are praying for you and continuing to lift up your cause. If you should need anything else, more shoes, or something let us know.
Sandy Greco