Monday, May 30, 2011

Pics and vid

Trying to get a video of the baby cleaning, but then someone else wanted to try and steal the show

Happy Mother's Day! I bought all these flowers for ~$25

Lourdes showing off her new book with her sister Marciello

Smart baby, he played a solid game but I came through with the win right about the time he almost swallowed a pawn.


Johnsons said...

Wow, those flowers are gorgeous! Babies love to do whatever you're doing, so funny! Benjamin always follows me around with the swifter or wipes when I'm cleaning too!

The Bailes said...

Love to hear you speaking Spanish! So funny. The baby is adorable!

mom said...

Love the flowers! did you give those to the house moms? The video was hilarious. Loved all the other pics too.