Also this week, I went to a meeting on the topic of starting an adolescent home. There is a group of people who want to start a home for adolescents that come from other orphanages. This home would help the kids who have no chance of being adopted start getting their futures in line. One of the biggest problems I think of any orphanage system is what do the kids do when they turn 18. It is an obvious need in Peru and there are some pretty cool people who are getting together to try and help out.
Random but maybe interesting I guess you decide. This last week I was given the task of helping our night guard learn how to use a computer to send emails. He has been sleeping on the job we've found out so one of the ways we have decided to combat that is to have him send an email every 30 minutes so we can make sure he is awake (for at least 1 minute every 30 minutes I guess). Well imagine trying to teach your mother how to send email then multiply it by 10. The dude has never touched a computer in his life. So I had the bright idea of setting up an outlook shortcut that would automatically fill out the email address and subject for him and all he would have to do is click send. That was going well until for some reason our computer which needs to be reformatted started sending out multiple copies of the e-mail or missing some times etc..because of the outlook program not working right. So then I had to show him how to use gmail. It was hard enough showing him how to click on an icon and then click send, so filling out an entire email as you can imagine was even more difficult. Well I guess I didn't train him as well as I should have because he woke me up this morning at 12:00, 2:30, and 5:00 am. because he couldn't get the email to send..... so back to the drawing board.
Also this week I saw a real live black widow spider when I was helping finish a rock and cement path from the orphanage to the school. That was pretty cool I guess.
The warheads idea is hilarious … great idea!
Could you have him send out a text message every 30 min?
I think the Christian Alliance for Orphans & Dave Thomas foundation probably have some good resources for the aging out of the system topic If you are interested – the same thing is a big topic in the US foster care system. I might send some your way if I ever run across good stuff.
LOL I love your stories this week! I can't stop laughing about the guy waking you 3 times! Awesome!
hello! teaching you mother to send email was hard? :) would have loved to see the facial expressions with the warheads you are so ornery. Where did you get that from! would love to hear more about the meeting and the home. at least I never woke you up 3xs in the middled of the night with a computer question. hilarious!
Love the stories! Maybe there's some busy work he can do to help out, like sweep or prepare breakfast or wash clothes...
that is awesome about the warheads, hahaha! Such a great idea!!
Kevin, the idea of starting an adolescent home is amazing! That is a problem in the states as well. Children of the state turning 18 and having no idea what to do or where to go next. They have no financial support anymore. Anyway, I sure hope it works out, my prayers are with that project. I would love to do something like that!
Good luck with the night guard, ha ha. You will figure something out for him!!
Be cautious about the next piece of unknown candy you are offered from one of the kids.
Funny stories. Thanks for the updates.
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